I'm sorry my dear

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Guess whos back,  back again
Ship: Mormor
Type: sad and trigger warning,  mentions of suicide

As a child Jim was sagacious enough to know that love was an illusion, old wives tales of princesses kissing toads and Princes saving the beautiful yet idiotic damsel. Love was a playground game played by those who wondered and dreamed of icy rivers piercing their souls ;warm, tender arms that were securely wrapped like brown paper around them. Jim had once longed for this, but when you see your mother swinging from the fan you stop and smell the roses.

When Jim was 11 a new illusion of love was introduced in shape of a boy named Carl powers.  However this  boy was merely a pawn in the game in which Jim amused himself and the boy soon became cruel and black hearted towards him so as any normal person would do,Jim had to elimate his spare.

Almost ten years later Jim,  freshly out of university,  slipped into his old teenage years of drug dealing and crime he created a name for himself,  the napoleon of crime and all in the underground scene knew him as Moriarty. Years past and the game grew boring ; he pawns had all but fell to the game and he need more.  He never expected to find a great player in Sebastian Mormon. Ex military and discharged young, he was said to be a freelance sniper but Jim needed just this,  a wild tiger to tame and play with. So when he hired Sebastian as his personal sniper,  Jim's little game continued.

Now fast-forward a few years to when Mr Homles a bright,  arrogant and frankly a bump in his game came along,  his old game grew less exciting and he couldn't help himself but play with his new enemy.  But of course what about his little tiger ; well things got interesting.  Nights of planning for a shooting turned in heated, messes and 'games' on the study desk, jobs were completed quickly so they could go and mess up the sheets,  and Jim's illusion of love had manifested into a hologram ;clear but not strong. It was true Jim Moriarty had fallen for his little (or more big) sebby.  Sebby was his and no one not even little sherly and Johnny boy could do anything to change that. 

The game kept going and it became more dangerous,  Seb kept Jim close and guarded him like a the Mona Lisa ; delicate and priceless.  But there was one think Jim always murmured to Seb in the dead of night when he was sure no one could hear him,  "Don't leave me tiger,  don't leave me."  it would be followed by Jim clinging onto Sebastian and Sebastian clinging just as tight back and sleeping until the next day of playing and Jim would then be back to his old self,  charming but a little annoying. 

But things were not to last,  Seb had been let out (so to speak) to a friend of Jim's ; his mission was to kill a Russian man who worked in a well known security company and he would be away for three weeks.  Jim had told Sebastian that this was important as " he can look after you,  well I mean you'll get paid.  Come on tiger what'd do you say," and Seb agreed simply to please his darling psychopath, but when Seb got a call from one of Jim's men saying "the boss is going to end the game,  and I mean end the game," Seb cancelled the job and rushed back to London,  but it was too late, as he ran up St barts steps a letter was plastered to the door it read :
Dear tiger, 
You know my games never end well but I thought I could cause so much more damage dead. The Man whom employed you is a friend of mine,  part of my Web so to speak,  he's yours now.  I know it's unfair of me to leave but I couldn't have you crashing down with me this fall was my own. 

I've told you many a times that I do not love you,  that is not true.  You're the only person I have ever loved and now tiger you are free,  tamed but free none the less.  My flat,  my Web,  my heart are yours. 

Sherlock should bid you no harm but be cautious of others. 

My sniper,  my tiger, my Seb.  Our time was rough,  raw and passionate but now it's over.  My brains will decorate the floor of this roof so please don't slip (that was a joke you grumpy tiger) . 

Finally your game with me is over,  the last pawn standing xxx
Love from yours truly
James Moritarty

Time pasted,  three years to be exactly .  Sherlock was back and Seb longed,  hoped that Jim would walk through the door with a smile and his suit on and say " surprise not dead " but his dreams were never true. It was Sherlock's fault and Seb wanted him to pay and burn and die and....  Well  so he thought.  But all Seb wanted was his little spider,  his Jim Moriarty. 

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