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Little texts between Greg and Mycroft x enjoy
Greg dear why is there a cat in the front room ? ~ MH

Well erm idk ... ~GL

Gregory ~MH

Ok ok , so my mum has two cats and they had kittens and all but one were sold and she couldn't look after them ! I couldn't leave him all alone little baby would be sad x ~ GL

Little baby ? Really Greg , its just a cat how are we going to look after it ? ~ MH

But pleaseeeee my , we'll find a way x please I'll make it up to you ;) ~ GL

Greg don't try and use sex to get out of this ~ MH

BUT MYCROFT PLEASE !!! He's so lonely other wise !!!!~ GL

Plus cats are very independent ~ GL

Mycroft ~GL

My ... ~GL

I'll bin the cakes I brought ~ GL

Ok ok now Greg there's no need to harm the cakes , we can keep the cat ~ MH

YAY !!! ~ GL

Oh and btw we're calling it cake , cause maybe you may love it a little more ~ GL

Ughh ~ MH

Love you too my ~ GL

How can I stay mad ~ MH

(Couple mins later )
Ok I take back about not having the cat , its so cute its sitting on my lap ~ MH

Knew you would love it in the end ~ GL

Love you Greg xx ~ MH

Love you too my , now I have to go and try and not kill your brother xx ~ GL

It's bad I know but I was bored

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