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Hello !!!
Ship : mormor (finally)
Teen!lock (I love teen lock)
Credit to artist for the image used
Jim's pov
Months of pain , gone . Months of idiotic comments , gone . Months of seeing his stupid god damn face , gone . Finally he was dead .
The school had allowed us a week off of school to 'grieve ' , me well , I couldn't wait to drink and celebrate. Carl powers was dead ! Ha ha ! The only thing to be sad about was that the police didn't even know it was me , well Sherlock did but that's another story .

As I walked down Westwood road I knew tonight was going to be a mix of blurry faces , vomit and swollen lips . I was 16 (17 while writing this ) yet I knew I could get in to the club , pink it read , neon signs making it look even more tacky and hellish , but this was the only gay club in town which allowed underaged drinkers and turned a blind eye to illegal smokers and drug users . I had graced it door many a times . I didn't need to stand in the line outside , I was Moriarty no one stood in my w- "hey ! You can't cut the line ." The man shouted , he was drug user and underage but he was also bigger and more well built "oh honey you don't know what I can do so please shut your mouth before I silence it ." Well if that man wasn't angry before he was now " WHAT THE F**K ! Come on then come o-" before he could do anything a tall blond man stood between us , his leather jacket gripped onto his skin , well it was fake leather but still . "You'll do what ? " He stated, slowly creeping over to the thug , "you want to take me on ? No ? Good , now run ." With that the man took off, the stranger turned round , now I could see his face , oh god his face it was well hot . He had scars on his face 'old ones ' I thought. "Thanks tiger ," I winked "so you know how to fight then , by the way you were standing I would say military, correct." He looked at me with smile , "I've heard of you ,kitten. For your information I'm ex military , didn't like my methods they said so to speak , why don't i buy you a drink ? " I hummed in approval .
Le time skip
I may be Irish but even after hours if drinking I was drunk as fart (idk if that's just a British thing or not 😂) . As I walked , more like crawled , out of the club , tiger or as he's actually name was Sebastian, helped me . "So I heard you needed a sniper?" He slurred "mmm yep." I mumbled back , while popping the 'p' . "So you wanna hire as me ? " I laughed , i had learnt that sebby dear was 20 and loved pain and got bored very easily . "Yeah , why not ." What I didn't know back then was that this man would not only help me with pain but pleasure as well , and from that moment I tamed the tiger

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