the fallen one

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Sherlock's pov
Darkness. That's it , well if becoming a fallen one means just seeing black then that's shit .

No. Wait ... thank God , well not really shes the one who casted me down from heaven but still . As my eyes started to adjust to the new light I heard a faint voice calling out to me , it reminded me of one of the angels of music singing . The voice was like honey dripping into my ears and along my body , I don't know why the strangers voice was so alluring but it was .
"A-are you okay ? My name's john , you've seemed to of had a nasty fall through my roof ..." ok wait , what ! I shot up , like a bullet from a gun"oh your awake." The stranger stated . I looked at him ; small but well built around the arms and legs , army man then , he's holding a first aid kit , but it's not a normal one , no it's covered with camouflage and well patterns which are normal used within the army so army doctor then , he's shocked ,well never I did just drop out of mid air but why here why now ?

Johns pov (wee little hobbit man)
What . The . Hell .
There in my front room is a man, he looks high , he's pupils are dazed by not dilated , no then . No cuts or bruising, oh and he fell OUT OF MID AIR .
"Before you ask , no I'm not fake , yes I really did fall out of mid air and lastly what year is it ? " He stated bluntly. "Who are you !" I snapped, he was taken back then it clicked , the cheekbones, the dark curly hair , his eyes "sher-rlock ?" No it can't be , my childhood friend,my first ever friend, my first ever crush , my first ever funeral . "You ! You died ! That day , the day with the bike an-and the helmet ! I grieved for you Sherlock ! I spend years blaming myself ! You you git !" I sobbed, I had saw him died that day , the day his brakes on his bike stopped working, he was on his way to mine with flowers as a sorry for being a arse that day he had no helmet, never did , came off at a red light , I was walking and then the truck ... oh god the blood "john , I did die , please believe me , I died that day ! I was dead for a while then they made me into a angel ! Believe me please ! " He cried , "you think it's funny ! Sherlock you've aged ! You are alive ! " That was it that son of a - but then a everything went quiet, I heard a ripping sound , like skin with that a pair of black coloured wings came thought from his back , I could see the unspoken pain behind he's eyes .
*An hour later*

We sat , not daring to speak in case our words came out mumbled or worst , the three unspoken ones
"I'm sorry ." He's voice shaking with fear of rejection .
His wings or whatever they are were still out , folded neatly over on another.
"What happened after you -" I choked "you died ?" I couldn't bring myself to look up at him,fear paralysed me . "Well after the truck hit me I felt numb literally no pain , no feeling just the word john . Then a light took over my body and then all the pain and feelings came back , when I awoke I was in a drawing room with a woman, unknown to me she was the one in which we call God . She told me I was to become a angel that would help the tainted and pained souls cross over however there was one rule, ' you cannot go against their density , it does not matter if they are young or old they have to cross over ' . " I was stunned , I nodded my head for him to keep going , maybe I was being nosy or I just missed his voice "as you probably know now I've become what they call a fallen one . This means that I went against a rule or rules and therefore must be punished ." I was closer to him now , I had moved from my spot on my chair to the arm of his , I wished this wasn't some sort of cruel joke or gag . " John , I let a man live . He was killed by a criminal he was chasing. At first she let that one slip saying that his name must was been in the wrong place and seeming as his was a 'G' not a 'A' or 'E' like I was assigned , but then I saw you ," he paused composing himself , I gasped "john you were lying there close to death , there was so much blood I couldn't let you die " a heart wrenching sob came out of him " b-but that happened a year ago how -how I ." I was stunned by this , "john I saw you nearly die , I could allow myself to see you die so -so I saved you and in so doing that I paid the price, I'm now forever tainted as a fallen one , a angel who has be consumed by sin and darkness." I was now holding him in my arms , "I don't care ." His doe eyes looked at me , I know he was confused and sightly happy at this "even after all these years I never got over you, Sher . I even moved into this bloody flat, this is the one you or we were going to move into , I could never of let you go , i-i " we were now intertwined on the chair , his chair. Our voices hoarse from crying , I had missed him . When I joined the army it was to escape him even when he was dead , but living that day I knew Sherlock would of wanted that , now I know "i love you jawn " he mumbled into my jumper. "I love you too , I always have and always will ," then our mouths meant . After so long , after so much heart break and lost we finally were together again . We broke apart our lips slightly swollen from kissing but I wouldn't have it anyway other way . "Sherlock why did you save that other man that day and who was he ?" I said I was sat on his lap my head against his chest " I may not like my brother but that man was and still is his partner, I saw how you were when I died , I couldn't let myself take love away from someone again so I let him live ," again I was stunned, Sherlock had always hated his brother but this , this was the Sher I knew "what was his name love?" I was being nosy now
"His name is Greg lestrade and hes my brothers soul mate , like you are john you are my soul mate ," we kissed slowly and lovingly,but soon moans and groans begun and well i think you can guess what happened after that .
Hello i don't know if it was any good but yeah , here's wing lock ! So I hope your enjoyed remember to vote and share 😊 love ya x

Oneshots (Johnlock, Mystrade, Mormor)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα