chapter twelve

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After I calm down a bit, I continue to lean my head against his chest and listen to the beat of his heart because it's relaxing. We don't talk or anything. We just sit. 

I feel a nudge on my arm and then Max starts talking. "Rose, I think you fell asleep," he says. I look at the time to see that its 5:30. Last time I looked at the clock it was 4:30.

I pull my phone out and text Max.

Was I asleep for a whole hour?

"Yeah," he answers, "I didn't want to wake you 'cause you've had a hard night."

Thanks for letting me sleep. It was so refreshing after everything that's happened today.

There's a knock on the door and Max goes to open it. I look to see who is is.

"Hey, mom wanted me to let you know that dinner is almost ready," Zach says.

"OK, we'll be down in a bit," he replies. When Zach leaves, he walks back over by me.

"Hey, before we go downstairs, I have something for you." He picks up a folded piece of paper from his bedside table.

"This is for you," he says handing it to me. I unfold the paper to see a drawing of a girl sitting under a tree reading a book. I look a little closer and notice the the girl looks a lot like me. 

I didn't know you like to draw.

"Yeah, it's just a hobby I've picked up throughout my life. I didn't know I could draw as well as I could until one day, a couple years back, I started doodling in my notebook during class," he explains.

You did a very nice job. I'd love to see more of your drawings next time I'm over.

"Thanks, I'd love to show you more. I've never taken an art class, so everything I draw is either self-taught or based off online tutorials," he explains.

We sit in his room a few more minutes, and then he says,"We should probably go downstairs before my mom sends Zach back up."

We head downstairs to the living room where Zach and his parents are watching TV.

"Mom. Dad," Max looks to his parents, "this is Rose. Rose these are my parents."

"You mean you're finally letting mom and dad meet your girlfriend?" Zach teases.

Woah, am I actually Max's girlfriend? If that's true... then would he be considered my...

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rose," Mrs. Fisher says, interrupting my thoughts. "Have a seat, we'd love to get to know more about you." As Max and I sit down on the living room sofa, Mrs. Fisher starts by asking how Max and I met.

I go to pick up my phone to text my answer to Max, so that he can tell them my answer, but right as I start typing he is already explaining to them where it all started.

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