17- This Is a Makeup-Free Zone

Comenzar desde el principio

from Father Sun's eyes

as the flowers become devoid of the colour

that will save her from suffocating.

And as the dead light is taken away

from the fragile Mother Moon,

screams and torrential downpours of tears

fill our hazy universe.

I buried the A5 notebook at the bottom of my bag and got up. The bell was about to ring and I wanted to keep it together, until the end of the day. That seemed like the hardest task I'd had in a long time but I was willing not to cry at school. I could cry myself to sleep for all I knew but I was going to buckle down, hustle with schoolwork and writing and make no time for crying.

Trudging to my form room, I blinked back my tears and tried to think about something else other than my current situation. I was already losing at trying not to show my emotions show. I passed Amy in the hallway and she gave me a nod as Jessica and Ryan continued questioning her. The morning was gloomy and bleak, smelling of petrichor and I was happy that it was going to rain again. Getting out of PE was just what I was in the mood for.

"Hope! What's up, how's Janelle?" Love smiled at me and I managed a weak twitch of my lips before I lied through my teeth.

"She's good." I knew it was a selfish act of me to lie, but I wanted to keep it to myself, just for a bit and I would eventually tell them. God knows when that would be, I felt like I was stranded in never-ending misery.

"Cool. Faith and Grace are at the swimming gala and Prudence is off sick." Love informed me, sitting down next to me.

"What happened to her? Why is she sick?"

"Food poisoning," Love said. "She'll be right as rain for the trip though."

An additional worry niggled at the back of my brain- perhaps Prudence was bulimic. According to Love, Prudence was still on a diet and had lost quite a bit of weight over the past three months. But she would tell us if she was anorexic or bulimic, right? Or would she?

I was startled away from my thoughts and my brain focused on the lengthy cafeteria queue before me. More specifically; Love, Amethyst and Kaydence having a full-blown verbal fight while Sav and Alice stood on the sidelines like awkward turtles, not knowing if they should join in.

"You're not part of our group anymore! You're spending so much time with those losers and you haven't talked to us in weeks!" Amethyst screamed at Love.

"OK, I'm really sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it! We're your best friends!"

"They're my friends too!" Love raised her voice, attracting the attention of a few passers by.

"So make a blooming choice then!" Kaydence snapped. "Us or them."

"I- Why are you making me do this? If you were my so called best friends, why are you making me choose between people? You're all my friends."

"I can't believe you have the audacity to defend them when we've been with you through thick and thin."

"Why are you making a huge deal out of this, all of a sudden?"

"Because I'm fed up with you being a cow, just like your fatso of a sister!" Amethyst fired back. Love was at a loss for words for a moment but then she opened her mouth and spoke in the calmest, most quietest voice I had ever heard her talk with.

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