Chapter 3: What is he?

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“Do you understand what I’m saying here Zayn?” Liam asked me like i was 10 year old boy, I shook my head anyways, i still don’t get it. “Zayn ... Louis is not a normal human” Liam said to me. I scoffed “what is he then?” I asked him, he moved closer to me and whispered

“He’s ...”

--Louis xx Pov –

I woke up in a unusual place, oh right, I’m in Zayn’s flat ... Zayn, He has this bright vibe that makes me feel comfortable whenever I’m around him, After what happened at the Cafeteria a few minutes after Zayn left to go get his bike, I had this sudden headache and it hurt so bad that i really wanted to strangle him, the person who did that thing to me ... i hate him. You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about, don’t bother, I will never speak of him ever again.

I hear clattering sounds outside, i stood up and saw my reflection in the mirror, i may or may not be hallucinating again, but i have this white light surrounding me right now, maybe it’s hallucinations ... like that’s what liam said right?. Or maybe Zayn was right too ... that i can detect auras ... well, that’s not bad innit? I slowly made my way to the door, I was about to open it when i heard a loud bang outside, I’m scared ... I slowly opened the door and tiptoed outside what i saw horrified me.

The couches are on the wall, deep holes, with scratch marks are beside it, i saw a black fur like creature at the corner of the room, the creature had a red light around it ... I step closer, and screamed in pain, i stepped on the shattered glass, making the creature snap it’s head towards me ... I saw his brown eyes, then i knew who it was ... Zayn.

He whimpered as he made his way over to me, I closed my eyes, just in case he will do something that i wouldn’t want to see ... I feel his arms wrap around my body, it’s skin, no fur ... I open my eyes, and saw him carrying me ... he was naked, I close my eyes again embarrassed that i just saw him naked, if I’m gonna be honest, he is fit, like so fit that everyone will either envy his body or wants to lick his body ... i pick both, Louis what are you thinking I feel my face heat up, i swear i could see him smirk ...

 Zayn is smirking because I’m blushing, Damn it Malik, if you are not naked right now, I would have thumped you in the head for embarrassing me. Or maybe not, because you might hurt me in just a snap...

He sits me down on the kitchen counter, I feel him leave for a second and comes back, i open my eyes and see him looking at the wound and applying a bandage to it, he is now fully dressed, but i don’t know if i rather see him naked or fully dressed, either way, he’s still looks good.

“Sorry for the mess, i just had news from one of my friends, i kind of snapped, don’t worry i won’t do this again, this only happens once in 6 months, so don’t be scared” He said finishing the bandage, I scoffed “I’m not scared” I said lifting my chin up, he gives me a stare and i gulped “Really ...” He said in a slow seductive voice. He made his way closer to me and put his mouth close to my ear “Are you really not scared?” He asked, I suddenly feel scared, angry and i have this urge to push him ... but i didn’t, i just shrug him off and got out of the counter, and walked to the living room.

I can see him staring at me confused from the corner of my eye...I just don’t want Zayn to have the wrong idea of me in his house, i have no intention of having any sexual or non sexual relationship with him. “So ... did Liam tell you what happened earlier to me?” I asked him finally looking at him again, He rushed in inhuman speed to the couch and fixed it in the right place with only one hand, it’s a hundred plus kilogram couch, and he only lifted it and fixed it with one hand, a hand, a FUC—

“Yeah ... he did” Zayn said snapping me from my thoughts I look at him waiting for him to continue “He said you have this normal thing that happens to all humans, but it is supposed to be hidden, now you are the only human who can do that, it’s a good thing we are not in the early era, or else mythical creatures would have killed you” He said sitting on the couch patting the space beside him, I follow and sit beside him ... but far away from him.

Love Vampire - A Larry Stylinson Vampire Fanfic --Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt