Mom? Dark x Reader Floof

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"I really wanna meet your family." I said, laying on Dark's floor sucking down another beer. "I don't have one." he said. "What did they explode or something?" I laughed. He rolled his eyes. "We don't have 'families' (y/n)...pretty sure we've gone over that." I shrugged. "Maybe, I dunno, I'm like 5 beers deep into this conversation." "It shows." Dark said, flicking a spent match at me. "Well you're not exactly sober either." I chided. "Yeah, but my composure is better." he said. He had a point, it was. "So you can process alcohol better than me. Great." "At least we can process it. Poor Mark, he'll never know the feeling of swallowing shots like this ever again." We both laughed. "Do you think he cares?" "(Y/N), I don't care if he cares." Dark said. "I soo have to meet your mom though, and thank her for bringing you into the world." Dark put his head in his hands. "(Y/N), once more for the people in the back: I. Don't. Have. One. I wasn't born." I guess I was too drunk to care. "Everyone has a mom, even if they're not related to them. You have a mom...let me see her. Better yet, let me meet her." I whined. Dark sighed heavily. "If you're talking about Lilith, I can show you a picture?" he said. I nodded eagerly.  I examined the picture he handed me. "You two are related." I said, flatly. "Look at her and look at you. Uncanny resemblance? No way possible. You look just like really just like her." Dark looked deep in thought for a moment. "I've been told that before. I've noticed it myself...but it's coincidence." he said. I shook my head. "Can't be. Nobody can look just like someone else on that level and not be related to them somehow. I'm telling you, she is your mom." Dark rolled his eyes. "Sure (y/n), fine. If that's what you want to call her, so be it. I'll run that one by her next time I see her so we can have a good laugh at how stubborn humans can be." I stuck my tongue out at him. "You'll be in for a surprise." I warned. "You're full of surprises. I don't think I need anymore." he said, picking me up bridal style. "Where are you taking me?" "Wherever I want to. Pipe down, god, you are so annoying when you drink. So...talkative." I laughed. "So?" I said. "So what?" "Exactly. You're just grumpy." I said, confidently. "Always. You know that." he said. "Well, have you ever tried being happy?" He swung me by my ankles. "Happiness wasn't meant for me...not in the sense you're talking about anyway." "Okay then, Dark. By the way, what kind of name is Lilith for a demon anyway? It's so...girly." Dark swung me back into his arms. "It's a demon name." he said. "I swear to you, it is." I laughed. "Why are you such a liar? I like Dark more. It's totally true to your nature." Dark smirked. "Look it up online. By the way, that's not my real name." I looked at him sideways. "Whaaat? What is it then?" Dark shook his head. "I'm not telling you." he said. "Why?" I asked, indignantly. "Because I don't have to." he said, teasingly. I frowned. "Fine." I said. "Is it Lilith?" I asked. "You are obnoxious. You're such a better fit for Mark." "How dare you!" I said, swiping at his hair. He laughed. I pulled my phone out. "I'm fact checking you." I said, googling the name Lilith. "Night monster? Goddess of storms?!" I said, surprised. "I fucking told you." Dark said, threatening to drop me. "Do it and I will smack you back into the demon realm." I said, poking my finger into his chest. Dark looked at me, contemplating whether to drop me or not. I bit my lip nervously. He dropped me onto the couch where I bounced a bit. He stopped me from falling onto the floor. "Lucky you did that." I said, sitting up. "Ooh, so scared." Dark said, levitating in front of me. "You've piqued my curiosity, what is your name? I demand to know!" He just shook his head. "Tell me what letter it starts with." I said. "Pleeease?" Dark thought about it. "A." he said. "Andrew?" He laughed. "What kind of name is that?" he said. "Anthony? Anderson? Ambrose? Allen? Amir?Antonio?" "That's it. It's Antonio. How'd you guess?" I looked at him skeptically. "You're lying, aren't you?" "You could tell?" he asked, pretending to be surprised. "Aaron? Alex? Arthur?Aiden? Andre?" Dark heaved a sigh. "Nope. You'll never guess it so just give up." The only way to get someone to tell you something is to annoy them until they do when they have the same personality as Dark. "Avis? Archer?Alec? Ari?" He froze on the last one. "Did I guess it?" I asked, eagerly. "No...but you got sort of warm there." he said. I brainstormed. "Albert? Alberto?Antoine? Arman? Alonso? A-" "(Y/N), shut up. It's Arioch...Arioch Asmodeus. Jesus Christ, you are annoying." I looked him up and down. "That doesn't seem like a good fit for you." I said, flippantly. "Apparently you're the only one who thinks that." he said. "Can I call you that?" I asked. "Sure...but leave out the Asmodeus. I never understood the double name thing...not sure if that's supposed to be a middle name or's weird." "So you're the only one with a double name?" "As far as I know." I smirked. "What's that look for?" Dark asked, sounding like he was dreading something. "Did Lilith name you?" I asked. "As far as I know? Where are you going with this?" he asked, irritated. "She must like you more than the average demon...two names, looks just like you, you seem pretty attached to her...she's your mom." Dark smacked himself and sighed. "You just don't stop, do you?" he asked. "Not even if you ask nicely." "That's what I was afraid of." he muttered. "I'll run all of this by her. I'm telling you, all we're gonna do is make fun of you." I shrugged. "God, I need another shot. You are insufferable when you're drunk...but still hot." I laughed. "I get that a lot." I said. He took a shot. "I'm going down there now." he said. "What you've said is bugging me and I have no idea why." I looked at him curiously. "Well, godspeed then." I said, raising a bottle to him. "You're nuts. I'll be back...I have to go laugh at you with my so called mom." I smirked again, pouring the bottle's contents into my mouth. Dark just rolled his eyes and disappeared before mine.


So since the user who requested this was unclear of whether they wanted Dark to have a legitimate mom, I'll leave it up to you guys. Not even I know where to go with this. Send a message or leave a comment with your vote. Keep in mind that adding a 'mom' won't change much outside of that. I'm leaving the other aspects of Dark alone. :) Thanks <3

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