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Hey guys. Unfortunately, I'm no longer going to update this story. I lost all interest in the characters I've created. I've grown as a writer and these characters don't fit with my writing style anymore. I've tried and tried again to revise this to make it better and everytime I do it comes out like crap. It's a shame because I had some big plans for this story. So please comment if you would want me to keep this story up or you are okay with me taking it down. And please please read my story Hypnotic, you will not be disappointed because I'm putting my blood, sweat and tears into that story and I plan on completing it. And I understand if you follow me for this story and only this story and you want to unfollow me. And if you do plan on sticking with me, thank you for continuing on this journey of writing with me. Sorry for this sappiness of this "letter" I just hate disappointing my readers and I know how much you guys loved this story. But I have fallen out of love with this story.

As always love you all. 

Trashbag_Fangirl xoxo

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