The Call and The Present

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The Director let each of the Freelancers make a video call every six months to whomever they liked. Lilith knew exactly who she wanted to call. Beep, beep, The video phone ringed out. Then a girl with curly black hair, brown eyes, and olive skin popped up, "Lilith?" Her thick Brooklyn accent poured out of her mouth.

Lilith just smiled, "Hey, Mia." Mia grinned widely, "Well hot fucking damn how ya' doing? How's the project?" She said excitedly. "I'm doing fine M, sorry the rest is classified information, have to say that since I am part of a military project." Lilith rubbed the back of her neck.

Mia just rolled her eyes, "So what does it feel like being a part of the law now, Lil?" Lilith leaned on her elbows, "It's really cool, I get to do a lot of things that we used to do, but now it's okay," She said with a small giggle, "So how's everything back home?" Mia slightly frowned and rolled her eyes again, "Our entire business went to shit after you left. These dickheads can't protect themselves without you. I've been taking good care of Castor and Pollux. Oh, and I got an extra job working at the diner." She said in her bubbly tone.

Lilith smiled, "Well M, I would love to talk more but, I gotta' go. Give Castor and Pollux kisses for me and good luck with the jobs. Love ya'" Mia blew a kiss and winked, "Love ya' too boo." Then the call ended. Lilith sighed and lent back, "So who was that?" Wash spoke from next to her. Lilith jumped, "Holy shit! Oh just an old friend from back home." Wash raised an eyebrow, "No call to the folks." Lilith scoffed and gave a weak chuckle, "Don't get me started on them." She said crossing her arms. "Don't get along with them?" Wash said copying her arms. Lilith clicked her tongue, "That, my dear David, is just the tip of the iceberg." Washington gave a weak laugh, Best not delve into that topic. "Oh yeah I wanted to tell you, that there is some sort of surprise waiting for everyone in the mess hall." Lilith hopped up from her seat, "I'm always down for surprises, let's go." They walked down in comfortable silence, for once they weren't chatting up a storm.

Everyone was already there, "So what did we get." Lilith said rubbing her palms together. York smiled at her, "Our dear UNSC has sent us some delectable treats." Lilith and Wash walked up to the table to see three cases of beer, two bottles of Jack Daniel whiskey, and two bottles of wine. Lilith looked over the liquor, "All cheap stuff but, should be enough to get us at least tipsy." She said with a small smile. "Let's crack open this shit!" South shouted. Everyone whooped in agreement.

Soon enough everyone had a drink in hand and was laughing and talking. Lilith, after starting to feel the effects of the alcohol, walked by the window to look at all the stars. "You okay?" Wash said as he stood next to her. She just smiled, "To be honest Wash, I couldn't be better." Wash looked at her and smiled, "I'm glad, you looked like something was wrong." She took another sip of her drink, "Wash, do you think we could take over the galaxy?" He just gave her a questioning look, "What's that supposed to mean?" She chuckled, "Wash, there's no in depth meaning. Do you think we could take over the galaxy?" He looked back out the window and smiled, "Well I think we would need some help but, I think we could."

She smiled, "Good because some day, when I rule the world, I want you to be right by my side."       

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