The Apology and The Interview

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Right before California went to bed Kappa popped up. "Agent California..." Kappa spoke softly. California crossed her arms, "Yes, Kappa?" The A.I put her head down, "I'm...sorry. I didn't mean what I said. It was really mean. I just want the best for you and I think Agent Washington is the best for you." She said sadly.

California couldn't help but, give a small smile, "Kappa thank you for the apology. But what you said really hurt. You're one of my best friends and I trust you with my secrets, mostly because you're in my head. Especially about you know who. I think we can be a great team together. But teammates aren't dicks to each other." Kappa grinned, "Thank you, California. I didn't mean it I promise." Cali leaned her head closer to Kappa, "Listen to me. Never act like that again. Promise?" She said with a small smile.

Kappa nodded her head, "I promise. I want to be with you California. You're my best friend." She said as she grabbed Cali's index finger. Cali giggled, "I'm glad. Now let's hit the sack, I have to go speak to the Councilor tomorrow."

*The Next Morning*

California walked into the Councilors office, in full uniform. "Agent California, I'm glad you came." California sat down, "Did I have a choice." She mumbled. "This shouldn't take long only a few questions," The Councilor said as he sat in front of her, "On a scale from 1-10 how are you...enjoying the project? And please, explain your answer." California sighed, "A 7, I guess. You know I'm not really used to the military training but, it's something different." The Councilor wrote something down on his holographic note pad. "How has your experience with your A.I been so far?" He spoke not even looking up.

California folded her arms, "Kappa's been really great. She's useful on the battle field and to be honest a great friend...for a computer program. But she's had...outbursts." The Councilor stopped writing, "What do you mean by, outbursts?" California unfolded her arms, "I mean she'll thrash out. Telling me to do things I don't want to do. She's yelled at me...can she hear me?" The Councilor just chuckled, "No. In this room she's powered off. Now I have to ask you, Agent California, do you want to get rid of Kappa?" He said continuing his writing.

California shot up, "No! I mean Kappa did apologize. I told her she was acting like Sigma-" The Councilor interjected, "She became ambitious?" California nodded her head, "She said she wanted me to become 'the best'." The Councilor continued to write, "Have you ever implicated those thoughts onto her, to make her think those thoughts." California knitted her eyebrows, "No, why would you think that?" The Councilor just smirked, "California, you've had a history of anger issues. I mean after working your way up the street gang ladder, what would stop you from thinking those thought?" California leaned forward, leaning her knees onto her shoulders, "What in the fuck are you getting at?" She growled.

The Councilor put down the pad, "Resorting to anger. That is what I'm talking about. Most likely from your background of drugs and alcohol, am I wrong?" He said smugly. California shoved a finger in his face, "I never touched any drug beside nicotine so don't go claiming shit you know nothing about!" The Councilor just sighed, "Our meeting is over, Agent California. You are free to go now." Cali just growled and pushed herself up from the chair, stomping out of the room.

She didn't need shit from anybody. Because no one knew her like she did.        

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