The Shots Fired

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(A few weeks after the last chapter)

Today was going to be a serious mission. Steal everything from an enemy base, and leave no survivors. Should be easy for someone like California, being a criminal and all. She did this stuff all the time, well except secret files it was drugs. 

As of right now they were all in a Pelican on their way to the base. "Are you okay about this?" Wash said nudging California. "...Well I guess I am...I've done this kind of stuff before...back home." She said embarrassed. Wash looked down, "Oh well, my morals are kind of at war right now." California gave him a confused look, "Weren't you a military man?" she said crossing her arms. "I don't....I just don't." California touched his shoulder, "Wash, I'm just fucking with you, I understand." His eye twitched, "Here I am spilling my guts and you're going to crack a joke?" She chuckled, "Sorry, hey I'm sure you'll do fine" Wash looked down, "I hope so." He mumbled.

Soon after their conversation everyone jumped out of the Pelican. As soon as they landed they we're surrounded. California took the two magnums from her hips and started to shoot. Protecting herself as well as her team mates. In the project you learned you had a family to watch over. And whoever fucked with your family, you made sure they had a bullet in their head. The Freelancers soon finished off their attackers and pressed forward.

They were about to enter the main complex but, red lasers popped up. "Snipers! Everyone take cover!" Carolina shouted. Everyone ducked behind crates of chunks of concreate. "North can you try to take them out for god sakes?!" California yelled to him. "I don't have a good shot at them. Wyoming, what about you?" North looked to the white-clad solider. "Sorry chap, I have the same problem." Carolina pounded the ground, "Fuck! We're going to have to run in guys. Mark." "Synch." The rest of the team responded. Everyone launched themselves over their cover and started to run, barely missing the bullets. North and Wyoming we're able to take a few of the snipers out. They we're almost about to make it in, when the worst thing in the world happened.

Wash got shot in his chest piece, California watched as the bullets pierced him. He fell to the ground. Time seemed to slow down. California turned towards him and screamed. Why here, why now...why him? She ran towards him tears streaming under her helmet. She slid down next to him and held him close, "Wash, David come on." She said as she dragged him to cover. She took of his helmet, his blonde hair was all messed up and drenched with sweat. "David come on look at me. You can't leave me now." She said as she took off her helmet. His eyes were in a daze, "Lilith, I don't know if I'll die or not but I want to tell you-" He spoke in a raspy whisper but, he was cut off. "Do not say that you bastard! Look at me, you are not going to leave me! We're going to rule the world remember?! You can tell me when you're better!" She said grabbing his face and screaming. "California evac is here we have to get him on!" Carolina yelled to her.

California used all of her strength and picked him up and hauled him over her shoulders. She placed him on the floor of the Pelican, the med secured him so he wouldn't move. California couldn't help but, look at him as the med team hooked him up to IV's. She covered her mouth so her sobs wouldn't escape her mouth. 'Come on David. You can't leave her now.' Kappa whispered to herself. 'You can't change and being dead is changing you fucking bastard!' California shouted inwardly.

When they got back to the M.O.I they wheeled him to the O.R. And all California could do was watch him get rolled away. Carolina hugged her, "He's gonna' be okay, Cal." Hours passed and she just stayed in her room. The mission was an obvious failure, she skipped the meeting. She wasn't in the mood to hear the Director yell and see Wash's name drop on the board. Carolina came by and said that she got raised up on the leader board because she helped Wash. Cali just kept her head down as she listened to Carolina. She didn't even come out of her room for dinner and just went to bed. She knew they would only be talking about Wash, she didn't want to hear them talk about him.

The next morning she was woken up buy a knocking at her door. 'Who the fuck is it, she grumbled in her head. She swung the door open and looked up. Her eyes watered, "You fucking bastard!" She grabbed Wash's shirt and pulled him into her room. She shoved her face into his chest, "I thought you died you piece of shit!" He wrapped an arm around her waist and the other went to her hair, "I'm okay. I promise." She cried into his chest, "Wash, don't do that shit to me again you motherfucker. You think I can do this without you. Well I can't." He closed his eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to go anyways. Because how would I do this?" He grabbed her chin lightly and lifted her chin. He lent down and kissed her gently, tasting the saltiness of her tears.

As they broke away she smiled, "Is that what you wanted to tell me?" He smiled back, "Something like that. I heard you carried me yesterday?" She chuckled, "You're fucking heavy but, I did it out of love obviously. Also my fucking adrenaline was pumping, so that helped." She said with a chuckle. Wash rubbed the back of his neck, "So are we like a thing now?" California chuckled and rolled her eyes, "You are such an asshole, you know that, right?" Wash smiled down at her, "I'll take that as a yes." 

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