The Fight

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Wash heard the clinking of boots down the hallway. He got up from his comfortable position on his bed. This better be worth it, He thought to himself. He popped his head out of his door, "Hey North what's going on?" North just smiled back at him, "York and California are having an epic duel." Wash just raised his eyebrows. Now this he had to see.

Everyone was by the window overlooking the training room floor. California and York stood next to each other, A.I's by their helmets. "Agent York and Agent California, you may begin your session." F.I.L.I.S.S. spoke over the intercom. Complicated holographic locks popped up. They both went to work, hands flying over the locks. The A.I's popping up to different parts of the locks, analyzing and sending their answers to the agents. York got the lock picked first, "Round one goes to, Agent York." F.I.L.I.S.S spoke on the speakers again.

California cracked her knuckles and huffed. "Round two, begin." The A.I spoke and a new set of locks popped up. California was going faster than last time. Kappa was sending all over her analyses to her visor. Cali must have cracked the lock in record time at the speed she was going at. "Round two, Agent California. Begin round three." The tension was high everyone could feel it. Both of the agents were going at the fastest speed their hands would let them go at.

Their helmets zipping to all different angles. In the end York had won, typical. "Round three, Agent York. Congratulations, Agent York." F.I.L.I.S.S spoke in her robotic voice. California and York faced each other and shook hands, "Good one, York." Break his arm!, a demonic voice yelled from the back of her head. "It was nothing. I could teach you some tricks." York said rubbing the back of his neck. "I would like that. Hey, let me get changed and we can grab some lunch, you get my space ice cream." California said with a laugh.

York laughed, "I would love that." The two walked off the training room floor and into their rooms. California ripped off her helmet, "What the fuck is wrong with you Kappa!" She yelled. The A.I popped up, she wasn't white but, grey, "We could have beaten him, California." Cali crossed her arms, "It was a friendly competition, Kappa. You've been acting weird lately." Kappa got closer, "Do you think it will be just a friendly competition on the battle field, California? You deserve to be on the top of the leader board. Today would've put you one step closer." Kappa said getting louder.

California knitted her eyebrows together, "Kappa you are not ambition, you aren't Sigma! So stop acting like that creepy motherfucker and go back to yourself! Where did all this come from?" California said getting more frustrated by the second. "You are becoming weaker, California. It is Washington, I don't like him. He is weak and that is affecting you! You should stay away from him, so you can be the best! He is a weakling and you are so much better than him! Why do you even have feelings for that degenerate?" Kappa said transforming into her demonic form. "KAPPA THAT IS ENOUGH!," California screamed, "None of that stuff is your business. You need to know the difference between your friends and enemies. Now log off and get back to your normal self. And just stop acting like Sigma for god's sake." Kappa turned completely white again and put her head down.

She looked up at California sadly and blinked off. Cali sighed and got changed into some more comfortable clothes. There was a knock at her door. When she opened the door she was met with Wash's smiling face, "Nice job out there today." California smirked, "Not my best work but, I knew I couldn't beat, York." You could've, she heard Kappa again. Kappa, quit it and log off, she spoke in her head. "I forgot to give this to you but, I picked it up on our last mission." Wash said as he held up a cigarette between his fingers.

California smiled and hugged Wash, "You are the fucking best, you know that." Wash grinned and hugged her backed, "It's nothing." She let go and grabbed the cigarette. "You don't know how bad I want to smoke this but, I'm sure I'll get yelled for smoking in space." She laughed and put the cigarette onto her desk. "I think we better get down to the mess hall. York really loves those freezer dried ice cream." Wash laughed. The two walked down together, enjoying each other's company.

As always.

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