~*Thirteen Bad Lucks*~

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December 13, 2013

Thirteen Bad Lucks


I woke with a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Today is Friday the 13th. A day made for horrible situations.

My first hint that today was going to be a bad one, was the cryptic call I got from Ian. He only told me to get my ass to headquarters and to no bother eating breakfast. I had an idea of what he might tell me, but I wasn't ready for it to be true.

“What happened?” I asked urgently once I saw the horror on my partners face.

Just like last time, he threw a file at me. I was scared to open it but I knew that even if I didn't, the reality would still be the same.

I counted thirteen this time. Of course it would match this horrible date. All of them bared the mark, the brand. All of their eyes were open and the pain clearly remains present even after death.

“Dump in Arizona this time. Deceased only a few days, Monday night.” He said solemnly.

“Do we know where Carlos Cortez was Monday?” I asked, still in a shocked state.

Scruffy shook his head, “We weren't keeping tabs on him because we didn't have anything solid yet. But we are checking things out. Do you think you could ask the finance?”

Bea? Did she have any knowledge of this? Monday was when we saw each other at the coffee shop. She didn't mention anything about her fiance being out of town. Come to think of it, she didn't really talk about him at all. Wouldn't she always be gushing about the guy she’s going to marry? “I’ll see what I can find out.” I answered Ian.

Something, like always, is off. I need to find out what it is.


By lunchtime, I decided that I needed a break from all the death and evil that I saw daily. I went to a park, not far from my workplace and just walked around.

There are a lot of families. A loving couple with a new baby, grandparents with their last grandchild, happy.

Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever find that happiness. I’ve always wanted a big family. I dream of finding a wonderful partner who accepts me for all the flaws I carry. Someone who I can turn to after a horrifying case. A woman that I know I can trust with my life.

It’s not like I have a problem finding attractive women. As vain as it may sound, if I wanted a girlfriend, I would barely have to put any work into it.

But that’s not what I want. Or need.

I don't want someone who only likes me because I’m good in the sack. I don't want a person that can't hold a conversation that doesn't involve celebrity drama.

I need someone real.

“Ah, Agent Tylers. What are you doing at the park?” A menacing voice came from behind me.

Turning around, I came face to face with my number one suspect on the case that has been breaking my spirit. “Mr.Cortez.”

“Beatrice,” He said to the woman holding his hand. Bea had a mix of emotions on her face. She looked shocked, worried, nervous, all of which was cancelled by a deep blush as she met my eyes. “This is Agent Tyler. Agent Tyler, this is Mi Amor, Beatrice Martinez.”

Now I was confused. Did Bea not tell him that we already know each other? Or that I visited her, asking for his whereabouts? That seems like something you would tell your future husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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