~*Seven Deadly Cookies*~

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I posted this story on 12/7 at 11pm (my time), sorry if it's late for some of my readers. I have to share my computer with my family and they use it all day. Again, sorry if you got the update late. Please enjoy!


December 7, 2013

Seven Deadly Cookies


As much as it happens, I still can't get use to the shrill ringing of my phone waking me up. But it still happens, and I have to force myself into consciousness.

“Mac.” I answered my cell phone. When I didn't hear a response except for another annoying ring, I realized that it was my house phone. Groaning, I reached for the other phone. “Hello?”

“Mackenzie Tyler, what are you doing still sleeping?” My mother’s voice rang through.

“Mom, what are you talking about? It’s still dark out.”

“Mackenzie, it is 10am and you were supposed to be here half an hour ago.”

Cracking my eyes open enough to look at my bedside clock, I saw that she was right. I already knew I would get my ass handed to me because she really hates when I’m late. “Okay Mom, give me time to shower and all that. I should be there in 45 minutes.”

She sighed, sounding exasperated. “Fine. But if you're even a second late, you're the one that has to wash the dishes.”

“Okay Mom, I’ll see you soon.” I hung up the phone.

It felt like I was on autopilot as I was getting ready. Yesterday was long and felt like it would never end.

For the first time in a long time, I woke up with someone else in my bed yesterday. I’ll be honest, I had a great time and it was definitely worth the awkward conversation in the morning when Candice wanted to hang out for the day. Besides the fact that I had work and plans to see the school showcase, I’m not looking for a relationship. It’s not like I don't want one, but with my workload it’s just too complicated right now.

The showcase was amazing too. A lot of the performers were really good and I was blown away. I will say this though; for someone who has never been the minority in a crowd, it was weird to feel outnumbered. But that completely flew out of my mind when Bea’s sister did her poem.

‘Because even the smallest things, can lead to the biggest crimes.’

That’s the line that stayed with me the most. I’ve seen a lot of things happen. A girl take away her own life because someone crushed her confidence. Innocent children turning into murderers because they went through horrific bullying and no one stood up for them. Rapes, murder, tragity. And the one thing I could think of, is what could have I done to stop it.

I shook the thought from my head.

I reached my parents house in the time I said I would. I doubt that will stop my mom from making me do the dishes though.

“Hello Mackenzie.” My dad greeted with a cookie in his hand as I stepped into the house.

“Hey Dad. Where’s Mom at?” I asked when we went into the living room where there was a plateful of delicious looking cookies. I took one and couldn't stop there.

“Oh, bustling about in the kitchen. You know her.”

“Yeah.” I laugh eating yet another cookie. “Getting on my case about being late while she’s falling behind anyway.”

“Are you talking about me, Mackenzie Amanda Tyler? And are you eating cookies before breakfast?” Mom called, coming into the living room.

“Ummm...” I started, a mouth full of cookie. “No Ma'am?

She looked at me like the mother she is and took the plate away. “Breakfast is ready.”


After we ate, my parents and I just sat in the living room to catch up. We normally have breakfast together at least once a month. It’s not that much but with my schedule and theirs, it’s the best we can do.

“So Mackenzie, do you have anyone in your life right now?” Mom asked.

When I came out to my parents in high school, they were really supportive and never judged me. My dad was a little harder to get through to, but he never shunned me. The only thing that bothered them was that they didn't want me to have to go through any teasing or hate because of my sexuality. It happened anyway but it was nothing I couldn't handle. Eventually it got better and I’m happy.

But my mom does like to try and find me a girlfriend. She wants grandchildren and she told me that just because I’m a lesbian, doesn't mean that I can't give her any.

“No Mom. No one special right now.” I answered. But a random flash of Bea zoomed through my mind. That confused me.

“What about that nice Bethany girl you hang out with? I’ve always liked her.” Dad said.

I let out a laugh. “Funny you should mention her. Everyone went out for her birthday and I guess Jessie decided to make a move on her. Apparently, they’re a full blown couple now.”

“Well did you meet anyone there?”

“No one that I really want to start anything with.” I shrugged.

“At work, maybe?” Mom asked.

“No. I will not be dating anyone I work with.” I said disgusted by the concept. “That’s just asking for the relationship to fail. Can't have that.”

“Well you meet other people at work, don't you? When you're out on the field or something?”

Again my thoughts went to Bea. I love that she’s letting me call her Bea instead of her full name. It fits her really well too. And she’s beautiful. I’ve only seen her three times and she always managed to take my breath away.

There’s something about her. Something in those copper eyes or in her dark brown hair that perfectly frames her caramel face. It might be because when she smiles, it’s not just with her lips but with her whole being. Or maybe it’s simply because Bea is absolutely, completely unobtainable.

“No.” I answered with a fake smile. “Nothing that isn't a dead end.”


I know it's a short chapter but this writing a chapter a day is hard. Especially when I normally take a full week to write one. Hope you liked it!

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