~*Eight Minutes Wondering*~

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Posted at 11:32pm (my time)


December 8, 2013

Eight Minutes Wondering


“Oh, Virgen de Guadalupe,

Madre de las Américas ,

Concede a nuestros hogares la gracia de amar

y respetar la vida que comienza ,

con el mismo amor con el que

usted concibió en su vientre

la vida del Hijo de Dios.

Santísima Virgen María,

Madre del Amor Hermoso ,

de proteger a nuestras familias para que

estén siempre muy unidas

y bendice la educación de nuestros hijos.

“Nuestra esperanza , míranos con compasión ,

enseñar es ir continuamente a Jesús ,

y si nos caemos

ayúdanos a levantarnos de nuevo y volvemos a Él.

a través de la confesión de nuestras culpas

y nuestros pecados en el sacramento de la penitencia,

que da paz al alma .

“Te suplicamos que nos concedas un amor grande

de todos los santos Sacramentos ,

que son , por así decirlo ,

las huellas que tu Hijo nos dejó en la tierra .

Así, Madre Santísima ,

con la paz de Dios en nuestras conciencias ,

con nuestros corazones libres de mal y el odio ,

vamos a ser capaces de llevar a todos los demás

la verdadera alegría y la paz,

que nos vienen de tu Hijo,

nuestro Señor Jesucristo,

que con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo,

vidas y reina por los siglos de los siglos .

Amén .”

“Amen.” I repeated after the prayer once more.

Church always brought a sense of peace to me. I like the predictability, the prayers, everything makes me calm and composed. Not to say that I agree with everything that is in the sacred book, I don't.

Even Father Jose has told us that the bible has been used to twist the innocent by the evil. There are so many things that are out of date and that no longer make sense. Father Jose preaches that it’s not in the name of the lord to pick and choose what we want to believe. He can't outwardly say anything that goes against the church, but he did tell us that one is a hypocrite if they only follow a little of what is in the bible yet call others sinners for disobeying one.

Once church was over, everyone was standing outside and talking to one another. My mom and grandma were speaking to some of the older women, Maria was with her group of friends that come to the same church, and I just walked around. I grew up in this church, so I know practically everyone and they all know me.

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