Author's Note

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Hey Everyone. 

So I was going to post the next chapter of 25 Days of Falling but I could make myself press the publish button. 

Because I update this story everyday, I have to find time to actually write it.

I'll be honest, I have classes from 7:45am-1:20pm. After that, I'm on the bus for 3 hours in order to get to my grandma's house. When I'm there I help her cook, clean, and sometimes babysit. I'll leave there at about 6pm to go to my house. I live with my mom and dad, brother (25), sister (28), and sister's boyfriend (29). When I'm home, after getting yelled at by my mom for one thing or another, I'll either cook or sleep. Either way, I can't get to a computer until about 8pm. 

So here's my dilemma, I can post the chapter. I have it written. I know that it's an important to the story line but I don't know if I wrote it as well as I could. I don't want to half ass the chapters. When I first came up with the concept of 25 Days of Falling, I was soo excited and I wanted it to be perfect. However, it's not coming out the way I want. I feel like the last few chapters were a lower quality than what I'm capable of because I've been rushing it. So what I think I'm going to do, is not post the next chapter until tomorrow. 

I'll reread my last few chapters and edit them tomorrow. I'll also post chapter 10 and 11 tomorrow. After that, I'm going to try and keep the updates up everyday. Hopefully I can catch up and be less overwhelmed. 

But I'm going to ask my readers a favor. Please give me feedback. Negative or positive, feedback is something that can help me grow as a writer. I know that I don't always respond and I apologize. I tend to not answer comments that don't ask a question and the reason for that is I don't know how to answer them. I always end up typing a response and deleting it because I'm so scared of coming off the wrong way. I will always reply to private messages though. I have gotten a fair amount of messages and I do respond to all of them. So please please please let me know what you think. 

Okay, that's the end of this author's note thingy. Thank you for reading. I hope I didn't come off as whiny and full of excuses. 

You amazing readers are super cool! =]

Will post tomorrow.

Talk to you soon? 


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