~*Five Climaxing Screams*~

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**WARNING! This is R rated story for explicit language and sexual situations. Also, this is a lesbian story with lesbian encounters. If you have a problem with either, please move on. There will also be no tolerance for hate in regards to the LGBT lifestyle.**

On a funny note; I was writing this chapter during class and my 70 year old professor asked me why I looked flush. After a long pause and awkwardly looking around, I lied and said I had food poisoning. She let me skip a quiz and gave me full credit for it. Awesomely Embarrassing.



December 5, 2013

Five Climaxing Screams


“Stupid, fucking, shit balls.” I whispered to myself, looking at the folder in front of me.


I haven't really stopped to take a break from this case since it fell into my lap. It seems like every single lead is worthless and and dry. Almost like when I was pretending to be straight. A smirk formed as I thought about those days. Worst times of my life, but everything is much better now.


“We got something!” Ian declared as we walked into the room and headed for my desk.


Feeling hopeful, I smiled. “What is it?”


Scruffy threw another folder on the never ending stack of papers on my desk. “Cristian Cortez, the original head of The Family and the sick bastard that started it all.”


“What?!” I have been looking, searching, and coming up empty handed, looking for this guy. I’ve combed through records, DMV files, anything. This guy was a ghost.


“There was a bust, 9 years ago, smuggling ring in East LA. Four men were arrested but not convicted, one of them was a Cristian Cortez, age 47.”


“But how was that connected to The Family?” I asked confused.


“It was The Family.”


I gasped. “What?!”


“The smuggling ring was bringing people from Mexico across the border to here, stationed at a packaging factory. At the bust though, everything was cleaned up. Nothing illegal was found, everyone there was cooperative and had papers. Nothing out of the ordinary. The unit just thought they got the wrong information.”


“I still don't understand.”


“The factory had only women working. There’s a note from one of the investigators that puts it all together. While looking for evidence in the factory, he noticed that most of the girls had a tattoo on their ankle of two C’s.”


Realization hit me and it hit hard.


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