Chapter 19

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Hi, I'm back~~~~~

Still remember me?

Warning no proof reading!

Story starts here

Third Person's POV

Jungkook fluttered his eyes opened, feeling a little bit light headed. He raised his body and sat up quickly on the couch where he had fallen asleep. Looking down at his already zipped pants, he face palmed himself as he remembered what happened hours ago.

Shit, what was I thinking?

Jungkook got up and walked over to the nearest glass window, seeing outside where the sky was dark orange.

" Whoa- did I sleep for that long? " The boy let out a soft sigh with his hand brushing his raven hair, trying to make it less messier and neat.

Somehow, he tried his best not to think and remember what happened between him, Hoseok and of course, the two dumb hyungs. But he failed, he couldn't help but to feel embarrassed and cringed. " Fuck, I'll never forget that even if I try. "

Jungkook could still hear the sound of small chatters coming from the downstairs, probably a bunch of customers getting their time spent with cups of coffee.

He wasn't feeling to walk downstairs and meet Hoseok yet so he stayed where he was for a little while. Slipping his hands inside his pockets, he walked around near the glass window and started to sing a song that he had covered before.


Counting the beats in his mind, the lyrics danced out from his mouth along with the beautiful voice of his.

I’m sitting alone on the sofa where you used to be

I couldn’t sleep a bit, in case you came

Jungkook closed his eyes slowly, listening to his own voice in calm.

I’m just blankly staring at the front door

I try closing my eyes and covering my ears

But the memories come back to me

Will my heart stop if I hold in my breath?

Only my longing for you comes back

I’m alone on the sofa where you used to be

I’m here, waiting for you

So far from my side, you’re so far away

I’m still not over you, only dust remains

As I wait for you

A sweet smell of sponge cake entered the place, halting Jungkook from singing when he stopped abruptly and looked to see Hoseok had come with food on tray in his hands.

Both men didn't say anything, only locking their eyes as they gazed.

" Hoseok. " Jungkook called first. " Hoseok.. "

The way he called his name so gently, so softly, as if the name was fragile to even to be mentioned. Hoseok placed the tray on small table and approached Jungkook, standing just few inches away in front of him.

Hoseok had his cheeks already tinted. He was slightly shorter than Jungkook and felt a little intimidated, in a good way when the younger looked at him, with his face lifted lower so he could have their eyes perfectly locked.

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