Baby Payne-Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

I nodded and tried to control my breathing as it was raging out of control. I knew I should have calmed down, but I really couldn't. This baby was the one thing that I did that would have been a good thing. If something was wrong, I don't know what I would do with myself.

When the door opened, I jumped about a mile in the air. I wasn't expecting it, and my heart was racing a mile a minute already. The man came in, followed by a woman in a similar white coat. She gave me a small smile, but I wasn't sure if it was sincere or not. She may have just been trying to make me feel better, though it wasn't working.

"Payne?" She asked.

Liam nodded and my grip tightened around his hand. I was extremely nervous, and I wasn't exactly sure why we had been asked who we were about five times, but that was just my mind wandering to random places. I was still breathing heavily, and I wasn't exactly sure how I would calm down.

She sat down on the chair and held up the remote. "Okay, lets take a look."

I looked back up at the screen and my eyes filtered around, looking franticly from corner to corner. I then turned to her, watching her face to see what she did, and how she reacted. When she smiled, I relaxed slightly.

That was a good sign.

She gave me a warm smile. "So, it looks like there may be something we may not have originally seen."

"What is it?" Liam asked, still on edge.

"It seems that later on in your pregnancy their may be problems."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Like what?"

"You see, theres a seam there." She pointed to a spot on the screen, and dragged her finger across it, showing me where the little line was. "It may be nothing, but it could also mean problems."

Fear flashed through me. "Will the baby be okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "It's more you that I'm worried about. The baby looks completely healthy for the age it is, but I want to prescribe you with some prenatal care to keep it that way."

Liam tightened his grip around my hand. "So what does this mean for Belle? What if there are complications? Will she be okay?" He asked.

The doctors face held a grim smile. "I want you to come in every three weeks so we can monitor any problems that may occur." She didn't answer the question. She just jumped around it, giving me some information, but not really what Liam had asked for.

That kind of made me scared. Why hadn't she told him a real answer? She was a doctor, she was suppose to tell us the truth. Was she just jumping around it to spare our feelings, or was I just overreacting?

I decided to brush it off. If I stressed about everything, then I would be a nervous wreck all the time. If she thought it was important enough to tell me, I think she would tell me, being a doctor and all. There wasn't really any benefit from keeping anything from me.

She stood up and walked over to the desk, pulling a pen out of her pocket as she walked. "I'm writing you a prescription for two different pills. I want you to take one of the first one whenever you're feeling extreme sickness. The other I want you take every morning when you wake up, just to help your baby's health move along. "

She scribbled something down on a little pad of paper and tore it off, tuning back to me quickly. "If you go to the drug store a few blocks away, they'll have both of these." I grasped them in my hand, trying not to freak out even more than I already was.

"Thank you." I said when she gave me a paper towel to wipe my stomach off.

"No problem." She said.

I stood up and pulled my shirt down. "So, when would you like me to come back?" I asked.

She gave me a smile and looked down clipboard I hadn't noticed she had before. "Like I said, three weeks from now, I want you to come back so week can check your progress." It looked like she was trying to figure out a day and a time that would work for her.

"Thursday, November 12th would work for me." She said.

I looked up at Liam, considering he and the management company were the ones that really had a say in what I did. "I don't think theres anything going on that day. Were good for any day that week, actually."

She handed me a little slip of paper, another to go along with the two she had given me for the prescriptions. "Take this, just as a reminder for the next appointment."

I nodded and let Liam lead me out of the room. I thanked both the doctors as he tugged me out of the room. "That didn't go as expected."

Baby PayneWhere stories live. Discover now