Chapter One- Sarah Smiles

Start from the beginning

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I stuck close to Ino as we entered the Academy that morning, and she smiled at me comfortingly, sensing my nerves. I bit my lip, my main comfort being hung on a chain, dangled across two belt loops. A small glass heart, made by my Father, and two wedding rings, my Mother's and Father's, were strung on it. Some say I have a terrible history, for a seven-year-old... I say I mustn't dwell on the past, and must keep moving forward. After all, nothing I do will bring them back.

My mother was a kunoichi, she was largely known as 'the red sky of the Hidden mist' because of her blood red hair and air-based abilities. My Father was a carpenter, but he made glass sculptures to sell in the shop too.

Mother was hunted down and killed, though, for bounty. I wasn't supposed to know the reason, Father told me she died of illness, but I heard the talk. And I'm not naive. I knew my Mother was a well-known kunoichi, and obviously would have a bounty on her head. My father and I were heartbroken, and Father closed the shop, not having the motivation to even move anymore.

Then, one day, I had been out getting groceries, and I had opened the door and turned the light on, only to be greeted by the sight of my Father dead on the floor, blood pouring from slashes on his wrists and neck.

He had left a note, bound shut by the two wedding rings, and the small glass heart on the table next to it. All it had said was 'Live on. Lots of love, from your Father.' so I did.

I couldn't bear the Mist village any longer though, so I filed for a transfer to a different village from the Fourth Mizukage. He probably didn't care either way, a six-year-old girl who barely knew a carpenter's ways, so I ended up here. The Hokage told me that someone had to take me in; a six-year-old couldn't very well live by herself, then told me that the Yamanaka's wanted to take me. Mrs Yamanaka's infertile now; and incident involving Hidden Stone shinobi a while back. She had wanted another child for a while, so I was accepted straight into the family.

They thought me strange at first, though. I overheard Yamanaka-san talking with Haruno-san about how she was worried that I didn't act like a normal six-year-old. They think I'm extraordinarily mature, but then they learned what brought me here, and didn't question it any longer.

"Sachiko-chan!" I was brought out of my reverie by Ino shaking me, and hissing in my ear.

I blushed, seeing everyone staring at me, and mumbled, "Gomen nasai."

Sensei just gave me a strange look, then smiled warmly, before turning back to the rest of the class. "Everyone, welcome our newest student! Would you like to come out and introduce yourself?"

I smiled happily and walked to the middle of the front of the class, smiling at everyone. First impressions count, you know.

"Ohayo, mina. My name's Sachiko Yamanaka. I'm seven years old." they all stared at me like I was crazy, but I just shrugged it off. It was true! I am seven!

Then, I was face-to-face with some blonde kid, his blue eyes boring straight into my red ones. I blinked, and stepped back a little.

"Iruka-sensei this girl's a whole year younger than us! Why's she in our class?!" I frowned, standing up straight.

"I may be younger, but I'm still taller than you." everybody burst out laughing while he grimaced and blushed. I felt sort of bad, but hey, he started it! And I probably wouldn't be for much longer.

And then Ino went into protective sister mode, stepping up to Blondie. "Yeah! And probably smarter, so leave her alone, Baka!"

"Okay, okay, that's enough." sensei said, "Naruto, Ino, go to your seats. Sachiko, you can sit... next to Kiba. Kiba, raise your hand please."

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book One - Trade MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now