Chapter 31

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Vincent made his submissive go to their room before they went down to the dining room, because Vincent didn’t want his submissive walking down into a room full of vampires with only boy shorts on; The lacy fabric wouldn’t cover anything. As they walked down tot the dining room all Vincent could think of was now he would have to protect Sir Xavier until his child was born and grown into the claiming age. Goddess what a mess his life had become the minute he found his mate that night jumping off that bridge, Vincent still had dreams about what if he came a little to late to find his mates body laying in the river. Shaking the thoughts out of his head he turned his head slightly to look back at his pet that was slowly following behind him calmly, his pet was rubbing the caller that wonderful brought attention to his slender neck.

Talen followed his master down to the large double doors that lead to the large dining room; he continued to rub his collar that his master had given to him earlier. The leather felt wonderful against his neck constantly rubbing against the soft skin reminding him that his master had collared him tonight, he felt like he was floating on cloud nine. He could still the soft and lacy boy shorts his master ordered him to wear rubbing the soft inside of his thighs as he walks. Rubbing his hands up and down his thighs he smiled the wonderfully soft zebra print pajama bottoms felt wonderful against his irritated skin. He watched his master’s back as the muscles there moved as he pushed open the large double doors alerting everyone in the room that they have arrived.

Sir Xavier was standing in the cornered as a lot of unmated females surrendered him with a very few males, frowning Talen walked over to the group he didn’t recognize; smiling he realized that they were of the younger clan members, ranging from about age 15 to 17. “please sir,” Talen asked as he turned around to face his master,” May I give Xavier a hug?” nodding Vincent turned to go and sit down. Smiling Talen ran at the group calling Xavier’s name, almost all of the teens turned to look at him, Xavier turned to Talen and smiled at him, launching himself at Xavier Talen squealed. Xavier effortlessly caught Talen, slowly letting him down so he would be able to get his footing right so he wouldn’t fall when he got on his feet.

“I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” Talen squealed as he wrapped his arms around Xavier’s waist, rubbing his head against Xavier’s chest he breathed out as his stomach stopped its cramping. “Talen we saw each other today, and you should stop rubbing your head against me I don’t think your mate likes it very much.” Shaking his head as Talen backed away he could hear the soft dinging of the bells that hung off his caller, slowly turning to his mate Talen shyly smiled and waved. Shaking his head Vincent turned back to the conversation he was having with marina, “See he doesn’t care, he knows you only love me for my child.” Laughing Talen walked away from a dumbfounded Xavier; suddenly noise of pounding feet startled him turning to his right to see what the noise was he smiled at his daughter and Nina ran at him.

Dropping down to his knees he welcomed them both with open arms, wrapping his arms tight around the two little girls he felt whole, like this is where he always belonged. “Daddy why did you leave today? Did I do something wrong daddy that made you want to leave me? I’m sorry if I did daddy I wont do it anymore ill be a good girl daddy I promise please don’t leave me alone anymore-“shushing her Talen slowly raised his hand to wipe away the tears that started to fall from her eyes, “it’s okay little one I had to go because I wasn’t feeling okay and I needed my master okay? You could never do anything that would make me leave you okay?” nodding aoife smiled and hugged Talen again before walking over to Vincent.

Sitting down to eat was interesting, Xavier was fighting another girl for a seat right next to Vincent, finally Vincent had enough, “Bell let him sit there, go find another seat now!” Xavier smiled as he sat down in the chair. Smiling Talen leaned into his masters side as the maids carried out the food on trays, tonight was bloody steak, turning to look where Nina and Aoife were  sitting Talen took notice that Nina was handing Aoife the food when she got it from the maid, not letting the maid get close to Aoife. Talen laughed as Vincent did the exact same thing from him and Xavier, he smiled as he realized what that meant for Xavier, he was under Vincent’s protection and control.

Staring down the table he noticed a few larger teen males had surrounded a weaker looking boy who was shaking and looking around for an escape, looking to Vincent to see if he had seen the bulling that was playing out right in front of them. Vincent was to consumed in a conversation with a large man who stood about 6’0 with a aggressive tone in his shoulders, he had a wonderfully done tattoo on his right arm. After making sure no one was looking straight at him from the group that was closing in on the younger male; Standing up Talen pulled his hair from behind his shoulders and covered his caller the best he could, slowly walking onto the circle of guys he heard what was being said he grew heated with rage.

Aw look he’s afraid of us, he should be. What are you anyways to this clan; you are just a runt, the weakest of us. If this was nature you would have been killed, but because we cant do that maybe we can use you for entertainment?” the boy who was caught in the circle with no way out began to whimper as his mind finally registered what the larger male of the group said, “Always being so caught up in your books Nathan, do you think you are smarter then us, better then us?!”  The boy continued to whimper and drop down to his knees in front of the group of males trying to make himself disappear. “Look at him guys finally dropping to his knees in front of us dominants like he should as a proper runt and submissive.

“Wow I thought I had seen it all in this clan, rape, abuse and hatred. But now I see that there are egotistical assholes here too, I would greatly appreciate it if you all backed away from the boy now crying on the ground before I call Sir Vincent over here to handle you all.” Talen said as he finally had enough when he saw the leader of the groups hand reach for the boys hair on the ground. All of the males from the group turned to look at him, when they saw how small he was they growled at him trying to frighten him. Talen didn’t know what was driving him to completely put his life and child’s life on the line for this young submissive’s life. The largest of the group started to walk towards Talen in a threatening way.

Who the hell do you think you are coming over here and ruining our run little bitch, your just another submissive like him. You should be on your knees next to your master pleasing him, not over here messing with our fun. He is the fucking runt he deserves everything we give him, and he always ends up begging-” it happened in a blur Talen’s little fist reached out and punched the giant man in the face; the man tumbled backward from the force. The look the huge man gave him made Talen want to run back to his master’s side in fear but he wasn’t backing down; all of the males around the group leader turned to look at Talen as he took a step back from the raging man.

“WHO AM I? I AM TALEN VINCENTS MATE THE SUBMISSIVE YOU SOULD BE ON YOUR KNEES BEGGING FOR FORGIVENESS FROM.” Talen’s voice boomed through out the whole room, silencing everyone. The group’s leader looked shocked as Talen grabbed his long hair and pulled it away from his face making it so his caller was on full display. The boy who was still in the spot when the males corned him whimpered as he heard Talen proclaim to be his clan leaders mate, curling himself more into himself he began to sob into his knees. He heard footsteps walking over to his shaking form on the freezing cold floor, where he belonged. He felt a warm hand on his shoulder, looking up he saw the most beautiful face ever the glowing hazel eyes stared down at him but not with hate but kindness.

Whimpering again the boy launched himself around Talen’s waist holding on for dear life, the younger male was rubbing his face into Talen’s side trying to hide his face from all of the on lookers that were staring at the pair now. Talen placed a hand on top of the boys head raking his finders through the soft curly dark brown hair, the boy began to purr as he felt the first kind touch in almost two years. Griping the younger boy’s hair in-between his fingers Talen pulled the boys head back so his neck was pulled at an awkward position but didn’t hurt to make sure the boy was staring straight up at Talen. The boys gray eyes showed commitment and adoration for Talen, smiling Talen spoke for the first time through out the physical contact between the young boy and himself.

“You belong to me.”

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