chapter 7

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Step after step Vincent took he could hear Talen take two, trying to remain invisible behind his master.  Vincent smiled to himself, as they approached the dinning room doors Vincent only had to gently push the doors for them to fly open. Talen jumped only a little at the sound of the doors hitting the walls, Vincent walked to the end of the very long table and took his place at the head. He motioned Talen to follow him; Talen felt the need to wrap his arms around his stomach because of the large amount of vampires in the room.

Talen felt as if he was running to his master the fastest his little legs could carry him; he all but collapsed into Vincent’s arms. The other vampires in the room began to murmur to themselves and their families, Vincent felt the need to protect his mate and their unborn child, and Vincent’s voice rang through out the room, “QUIET!” every pair of red eyes then turned to Vincent and Talen at the moment. One the young vampire children in the room, that were playing with her toy before Vincent demanded attention, stood up, on what looked like wobbling legs and slowly and timidly walked over to Talen. She was holding what looked like a very old stuffed animal that was missing patches of fur all over, she held it up to Talen with a pleading face, “If you scared hod mr.pumy he always takes way me scared,” all of the other vampire children pointed at the young girl in front of Talen.

“He wouldn’t want to even look at your toy messy,” said a young girl that looked to be around ten or eleven years old. The little girl’s eyes began to water, she dropped her stuffed animal and ran out of the still open dinning room doors, Talen felt the need to run after the crying girl but he had no idea why. Talen bent down and picked up the dropped stuffed animal and looked at the girl who said the comment, “You will be sorry.” He said as he stood up and ran out of the room after the little girl. Talen followed the trail of teardrops down the hall and to a small room like closet. As Talen entered the room he maid notice that the room was a closet.

Talen noticed the little girl sobbing in the farthest corner of the closet hidden by coats, well trying to anyway, her head darted up when she heard the raspy breaths coming from Talen. She saw the stuffed animal in his right hand and it seemed like she was going to reach for the toy but then she turned around and continued to cry, harder then before. Talen took in the condition of her worn out dress, it had spots all over it and wasn’t as nice as the other dresses that the other girls had on he wondered why. As he was about to sit down next to the crying girl he heard heavy footsteps running down the hallway he was only just minutes before.

The door to the closet was thrown open and a very worried looking Vincent stared down at him, Vincent’s eyes were filled with worry, but when he noticed the crying girl he frowned. The little girls eyes flew open and she stared wide-eyed at Vincent, she began to sob, “I am sorry that I embarrassed you sir.” Vincent’s eyes softened when he noticed the worry in Talen’s eyes for the young girl. Vincent beckoned the young child out of the closet and Talen followed right behind her, the little girl was shaking in fear, Vincent could smell it, and shook his head. Vincent dropped down to his knees right in front of the girl, his submissive looked perplexed as to why he did this, Vincent then continued to wrap his large arms around the child. He hated it when children cried or some one he cared for, he could tell this girl was most likely a orphaned vampire, it is very rare but some times it happens.

The child began to cry again holding onto Vincent tightly sobbing so hard that it shook her tiny little frame. Vincent whispered soothing wording into the little girl’s hair, he was also rubbing her back, soon, after being in that position for about ten minutes she stopped crying. She turned to Talen and motioned for the stuffed animal that he was still holding, Vincent and his submissive sat with the little girl while they asked her questions. Talen found out she was seven, her name was Aoife and was an orphan and she was picked on all the time because of that fact. Talen also found out that she only had one toy, and that was her stuffed animal mr.pumy, he felt possessive over the young girl, it felt as if he knew her from before but he could have.

Vincent picked up Aoife and carried her back to the dinning hall with Talen tucked into Vincent’s side, as they entered the room all the noise stopped and everyone stared at the three of them. Vincent did not seem to mind though; he continued his walk to the head of the large table and sat down with Talen on his left and Aoife on his lap, everyone seemed very surprised and stunned. Vincent cleared his voice and spoke clearly, “I have found my mate, and he will continue to run the coven with me, also I have come to understand that this girl is being looked down on for being an orphan, and I correct? There is no need to answer I witnessed this tonight for myself, and it will come to an end because she is no longer an orphan, because I have decided to adopt this girl. And if it dose not stop me and my mate will become involved.” 

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