chapter 24

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Vincent stared down at his submissive while he rubbed his head into his chest hiding his face, Vincent closed his eyes listening to the two heart’s coming from below him, a soft noise carried through out the room, his little submissive was purring. Vincent smiled down at his mate and staring right up at him was his little mates beautiful hazel eyes, with one swift moment Vincent had Talen bent over the large desk so his ass was straight up. Vincent bent down so he was whispering in his pet’s ear, “hmm, pet I will not fuck you only because that man hurt you by forcing you, and I do not want to reopen any wounds.” Talen nodded like he understood but all he wanted right now was his master fucking him making him forget about what that man did to him.

Vincent snarled and threw his head up to face the person standing in the doorway to his office, “CAN WE NOT HAVE ANY FUCKING PEACE!”  Vincent’s beast was in control again for many reasons one being that he was extremely horny and about to pleasure his mate when he has to get interrupted again, why is the world out to get him, Vincent dropped into his office chair while tale continued to stay where he was. Vincent noticed his submissive smiling at the man standing in the door way and snarled, wrapping his arms around his submissive pulling him down onto his lap, his submissive blushed and hid his face in Vincent’s neck. “What is wrong?” Vincent asked the man standing in the doorway who had yet to say something, “well sir two wolves were caught on our land.”

As Vincent stood to go and handle those mutts all he could think about was how his mate was unsafe in his own coven home as he turned to tell his mate to stay put,  and lock the door until he returned, there was a mutt  hurdling up the stair’s coming to a stop in front of his office.  “How dare you trespass and then have the guts to come up to my office, do you wish for death?!”  Vincent tried to hide his mate behind him, but he knew if he moved to fast the wolf would go after his mate, he did not want a blood bath in his office. Vincent took one step forward and the wolf took to back, dropping its ears in a sign of submission, as he cornered the wolf Vincent was ready to attack when his mate’s voice called out to him. “Stop this now!”

Talen stood in front of his masters chair tall and proud he did not want more blood shed today he has had enough he thought as he walked over to his mate and the frightened wolf in the corner. As he stood in front of his mate he pointed to the chair without saying anything, his mate growled at him and “no! I will not leave you close to that mutt.” His mate growled out, Talen turned slowly to his mate, “he is frightened, you are doing nothing to help him but making him terrified, so as your mate I am asking you to go sit down and let me try and help, please.” As Talen finished speaking he turned back to the small wolf and noticed something the wolf was staring at him with wonder, Talen smiled down to the wolf as he heard his mate huff and walk back to his chair.

“Sweetie can you change back for me I want to look at your wounds, that better not be from anyone in this coven or there is going to be hell, master may I have your shirt? Thank you, I am going to hold this up so when you change back, no one but me will see anything okay?” the young wolf nodded and changed back, sitting in front of him was a little girl covered in scratch’s he felt offended by what his coven had done, “may my master come and look I wont leave you I swear and he will not hurt you.” The little girl nodded and Vincent was soon at his mates side again, as he looked down at the little girl he gasped, as his mate pulled his shirt over her shoulders covering her scraped up body how could his men do this to a little wolf all he was going to go was swat it on the nose, he turned to his mate and what shocked him was in his mates eyes, it was hate.

“Call a meeting now or I swear to god I’m leaving.” Talen whispered that was the only incentive for his master needed for a meeting to be called for the entire coven to attened and for Talen to be alone with the she-wolf for a moment. “Sweetie did this coven do this to you?” Talen asked her, she shook her head a quick no and watched him very closely and carefully, “do you know how to speak?” she smiled and nodded, “do you think you can-“he was cut off from a noise coming up the stairs he heard shouting ad suddenly a large white wolf entered the office, looking around the wolf spotted Talen and the little girl. Talen moved until he was completely covering the young girl from the large wolfs preying eyes, as he moved the wolf growled again.

The wolf suddenly disappeared and standing now nude in front of him was a female that looked to be around the age of marina, he blushed and looked away he only had sweat pants and a shirt on, pulling of his shirt he handed it to the blushing girl who was staring at him, watching his every move. “Um are you okay, or are you like the little girl too?” he asked her embarrassed he really didn’t look at her for to long before he would blush again, “I am perfectly fine and that little girl has a name and its Nina and my name is Scarlet we were running for our old pack and your coven captured us, please let us go?” scarlet said but before he could answer or even blink marina was standing behind the girl with glowing red eyes, he couldn’t speak she looked so scary.

Marina grabbed the girl by the neck dragging her back so they were touching, back to chest, “so mate you want to leave, well that’s not going to happen, and I know you could smell me all the way from down stairs so you knew your mate was here so why are you in such a hurry to leave, do I have to lock you up in my bedroom?” Talen knew marina wasn’t in little sister mode anymore now she was a warrior fighting for her mate to let her dominate her, he shook his head and turned to the little girl, “Are you hungry Nina?” her nodding was all the answer Talen needed for him to reach down and pick her up and bring her down to the dinning hall where everyone was waiting for them, as he entered the room he noticed his mate was sitting at the end of the table with aoife in his arms.

Vincent watched as his mate carried the little wolf pup down the table to where he and his daughter were sitting, well where he was sitting with aoife sitting on him, as his mate made it to him he noticed the little girl was staring at aoife like all she wanted in the world was right there waiting for her. Vincent smiled and noticed something his sister wasn’t in the room and neither was that other wolf, he shook his head and turned to his mate for answers but his mate just stared at him like he was crazy. As he turned away from his mate he heard a crash and turned to look at the door, his warriors were rising from their seat’s ready to attack, but he just raised his hand making them halt, their in the door way was his sister and the other wolf, creating a ruckus.

 Talen had enough, “ EVERYONE sit the hell down and shut the fuck up I’m tired of the drama of the fighting all the time the noises and the fucking mate issues, MARINA did you not hear me? Good answer not sit down, Scarlet accept it she’s your mate there is nothing you can do about it but I swear to god if you reject her I will personally spay you. Now can we sit down and have a nice drama free dinner for ounce?” as soon as the question was asked his master's mother entered the room followed by a man he didn’t recognize. Vincent noticed this mother and the man, “mother who is this?” he asked perplexed and her answer shocked him, “well son he is my true mate the one I told you about.” Talen sighed and dropped into his chair, “well I guess not,” He mumbled; 

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