chapter 17

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“We will talk about this in my office, NOW!” Vincent’s voice carried through out the silent dinning hall. He turned and walked out of the open doors walking straight towards his office, he could hear Talen walking slowly behind him dragging his feet. Most likely because his submissive knew he would have to be punished after pulling this stunt, Vincent was not at all pleased with his submissive at the moment, he not only endangered his life but the life of their unborn child. Vincent could feel the start of a headache forming, he growled to himself, he knew Aoife had to get to school in an hour, he was beyond stressed are the moment. 

“Sit down not a peep.” Talen sat down silently complying,” do you thing I enjoy having to punish you? Do not answer that, we both already know the answer, how dare you go storming into a room full of high ranking vampires and start a fight. We were lucky my sister was in the dinning hall too, if she had not held my father back you wouldn’t be alive right now. Do you understand how close I was to losing you tonight, if my sister lost he grip you and our child would be dead. Also you did not tell me the whole truth about what happened to you when you where with your uncle, how dare you disobey your master.”

Talen sat in silence, well his silence, and thought about what he did. His master was mad at him and he would be punished for what he did, but he was alright with it, he is Vincent’s submissive after all. Talen felt horrible for what he did not only did he create a scene he also worried his master, he didn’t really think about what he was doing before running into the dinning hall. Talen knew he looked like a child who is being reprimanded for stealing a cookie from the cookie jar, but it had to be done Talen was in the wrong and his master was making sure it didn’t happen again. Most likely if Talen was with another master he would have been severely beaten by now not lectured. 

“You disobeyed me, disappointed me, created a scene, endangered your life and our child’s, and you lied to me. How many smacks do you think you disserve?” Vincent was now sitting behind his desk, straight across from his silent submissive he was awaiting an answer from his pet about what he thought was an appropriate number for his punishment. “Twenty master’ I disserve twenty smacks to my behind for disobeying you alone and any other number for the other things I did.”  Vincent thought about it twenty sounded fine and an extra ten for the other things his submissive had done was a fair punishment. 

“Come here and count out the smacks.” His master ordered and Talen slowly stood up and bent over his master’s lap as he was instructed to do. His sweatpants were pulled down to his knees making it so his bare ass was presented to his master. Talen awaited the for the first slap to land on his ass, as it did he called out “one” his master repeated the process of slapping his submissive’s ass then rubbing the pain away, only to continue the cycle again. When Talen had counted out the full 30 slaps, he knew his ass was a bright red now, he didn’t move from his master’s lap, he was not ordered to move, as his master was finished with rubbing away the last bit of pain from the last slap to his sore ass he told Talen to go and awake aoife and get her ready for school and if he wanted he may take aoife to school only if his sister were to go with them. 

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