chapter 14

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“It started when I was 19 my family was in a car crash while I was at school, my parents and my little sister died in the crash, making me an orphan, well on my mothers side I had an uncle and he took me in. Well after awhile, after the funeral, he started to drink and after some time he started to scream and yell at me. I didn’t think anything of it but about a week after he started verbal abusing me he began to physically abuse me. At first is started with him shoving and pushing me, and I could handle it. When he would get home from work, if he had a bad day, he would scream at me telling me all these hateful things. Then one day I guess he had a really bad day because he came home and hit me for the first time, just a simple slap, and told me I was worthless.”

Talen noticed that his master was raging his eyes we bright red, brighter then Talen had every seen, he continued his story. “Then he continued like that for weeks and it slowly became worse, he wouldn’t just slap me he would kick and punch me. My aunt knew that he was abusing me but she did nothing about it, and I had to start wearing larger cloths to hide the burses. No one seemed too noticed, if they did they never showed it, well I became skittish around other people. At first it seemed to only be physical abuse but then he started to tell me that it was my fault my parents were dead, that they didn’t get in an accident but it was suicide to get away from their gay son. And the worst part is that I began to believe them, so I um started to self harm.”

Talen paused for a moment to look at his master, Vincent knew you could see his fangs he was holding back the urge to throw Talen onto the bed and make him see that his uncle was wrong. To make him completely submit, he felt his rage grow even more when Talen said that he use to self harm, Vincent could only think about Talen taking a blade to his own skin it angered him beyond belief. His growl echoed through out the room, but Talen didn’t seem startled that much, it was good that his lover knew that Vincent would never hurt him ever; he would protect him from anything and everything.

“Well my uncle found out and he began to abuse me more, calling me weak and useless, my aunt finally did something right, you think she would have helped her only nephew but she joined in on the abuse too. She would scratch my face saying that if I could cut myself that see would help me; they abused me for three months before I had my first thought of suicide, thinking it to be a way to be with my family again. I was ready to many times, I would be holding the knife but u wouldn’t go through with it, and finally it became too much after a year because on my parents anniversary my uncle crossed the line. He asked me why I was still alive when his sister was dead and six feet down in the ground, why it was me who had to be alive, and he said I was a failed abortion.”

Vincent couldn’t handle it anymore he jumped up and slammed his hand into the wall creating a hole; he was fuming how someone who was family could say something like that to one of his own blood escaped him, he couldn’t understand it at all. His eyes were fixed onto his mate who showed no fear at his masters out burst. Talen stared calmly at his master, he wasn’t scared at all, he knew he should have been but he couldn’t find it in himself to be scared. He stood up and slowly walked over to his master and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close. Talen sighed in comfort as him master slid his arms around Talen’s small waist, Vincent growled out continue.

“I ran away after he said that and I ran straight to the bridge where my family died, I thought about all the abuse the sadness and the hate, and I just wanted ton end it so badly that I jumped off the bridge. Master the night you found me I was trying to kill myself.”

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