chapter 8

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Vincent and his father stared at each other after about five minutes Vincent’s father dropped his gaze. With Talen standing next to Vincent he felt safe and he felt there was no reason for him to be worried. The little girl that was asleep on Vincent’s lap was producing a heat that only humans could Vincent could not understand but he thought about it while Talen ate his dinner. After dinner and his submissive saw there daughter to bed Vincent picked up one of his older book, and began to read his favorite passage.

Letter to Her

At first I didn't notice, until she sent her first reply. A reply that, as strict and demanding as it was fitting a true Mistress, immediately felt right. She knew from the start how to bind a pet to her side. Not by force but by obedience and loyalty. The unconditional love a pet feels for his Owner because nobody could ever take better care of him. Anybody could take care of pet but not everybody has the power to prevent it from running away without any constraints. That is why I absolutely love my perfect Mistress.

I don't know what she has in store for me or even how I may serve her best. Things I will only learn in time. Yet there is no doubt in my mind that the road to submission before her shall feel wonderful. Slowly building up, leading to true submission; the kind that is unmistakable true love, for she will be necessary for real happiness. 

It's hard to find all the right words to describe the warm feeling inside of me; slowly spreading through my body, making my heart pound in my chest. The feeling is a bit scary, making me a bit anxious and uncertain. Something as perfect as she is, is so often flawed or dangerous. Yet there is the reassurance of knowing that she cares for her property and will always listen with a kind word. 

This leads to excitement, transcending just sexual arousal. It's joy, the willingness to make Her happy in every single way...

As he finished reading the passage Talen entered the room, his eyes brightened up when he saw his master laying on his back on the bed completely naked with his member completely erect. Vincent stared at his submissive beginning to shake and whimper his submissive dropped down to his knees and wrapped his arms around himself. Vincent stared to stand up and walk over to his submissive and his hips were right next to his mouth, Vincent growled “suck” one word was the only thing that needed to saw for his submissive to flick his tongue out and lick the head of his master’s cock.

Talen stared at his master’s eyes and they were a bright red, his eyes were red from lust and need. The young submissive gently sucked at the head of his master’s cock, with every grunt his submissive began to suck harder and longer. Talen was soon deep toughing his master’s cock, soon Talen found himself under his master laying with his ass in the air naked. Vincent gently rubbed his submissive’s ass and gently bent down to his ears Vincent whispered” soon you will be round and plump with my baby, do you understand my submissive?”

Talen stared at his master and nodded yes, Vincent gently pulled his submissive down onto his lap, Talen moaned and wrapped his arms around his master’s neck, with every thrust Talen withered and moaned. With every thrust Vincent’s fangs began to lengthen and slowly he bent down to Talen’s neck, slowly he bite into the soft tender flesh Talen groaned and .came with everything he was worth. Vincent came inside his little submissive and pulled his fangs out of Talen, Vincent growled and locked his eyes with his young submissive and growled out, “you belong to me and only me do you understand me?” Talen nodded and whimpered and dropped his eyes and slowly fell asleep. 

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