I am jacks raging bile duct

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TO READERS disclaimer, not judging or critising the people who listen to a certain artist that is mentioned. Enjoy and I love you more than a man who really loves pizza but has a disease for cheese sandwiches. So you just combined them. Cheesy goodness :))

It was foggy outside, darkening the dinning Hall, as I poked at my soup. I was tired, stressed and pretty sure I gained some weight. This was all depressing news and I didn't like it. This is post to be fun. Not so hard, you have so little time to get everything done, especially when Thanksgiving is coming up and they want shove things down our throats so we won't be behind. From what I've heard we are ahead. We did however get assigned our study group, that I haven't met up yet. Velvet said hers were okay two boys that don't really give shits and a girl whos preppy and probably listens to Ariana grande. I could tell she wanted hot topic girl in her group she will none stop look at her she even spots her everywhere. I haven't really been in the look out so much more just stressed about getting shit done.
After a few chats with Velvet abiut going back home to see Baz as tradition and classes. We didn't really get to talk much were always to tired to talk night so we haven't been keeping so up to date. She left to go to a class and I got my slip where to meet up for my study group. I hope they aren't weird or difficult. The spot was on the quad outside. I never knew how big the quad and it's surrounding was so many oak and convert tables spread around. I sat patiently at one of the tables with some of my books and laptop. I scrolled down the list of the names in my group, Micha garcia, Taylor Miller, Jack davis, Ty Bennett.
I came up with all scenarios for each one of them. Micha would be a beautiful brunett who every guy falls for. Taylor Miler will be a grungy but knows how to put more chocolate than weed in brownies. I feel like I will like her alot more than the others. Jack Davis, a boy who looks like James Dean and deflowers his groupies. And Ty Bennett will be a super chill guy with a nose ring.
"Umm, are you Micha ??"
A confused boy looks at me with pierced blue eyes. "Uh, no but I'm Nikki." I shrug a smile towards him. " oh, sorry my bad. I'm taylor."
He hands out a hand. I shake it, a he.
My whole perspective changed then, Taylor wore a black polo shirt with khakis and giant shoes. His blond swept hair hanged in his face. I still feel like will get along maybe. We awkwardly made conversation until two more people arrived and we all introduced ourselves. Ty and jack, Ty was the wearing a cardigan with blue vans and high white socks. He had long hair and skinny hands. He did however did have a lip ring. Jack. Jack, was unbearably gorgeous and I feel like I nailed him right. With his loose t shirt and jeans, his black hair that blended with his blue eyes I felt like I saw him before. Now we all waited for the one and only Micha. She walked up with all heels and short skirt my eyes peeled when each and every guy at the tables mouths dropped. She was beautiful. A beautiful damn brunett with great ass eyebrows and lushus hair. I already hated her, how the hell did she get in here? This is for weird people who usually deal with shit from girls like her. This will be hell.
"Umm, hello you must be Micha." Ty said in a sly voice with a hand out. She politely Shaked it as Taylor studdered his name and then she looked at me. I smiled and said my name and she greeted me respectfully. Fake ass bitch.
Her eyes widened when she met with Jack, then she became the awkward one. Now I for real hate her.

We talked about our selves, apparently taylor listening to rap and got in for creative lieture, Ty for in for art because he can spray paint murals of famous people's faces, is in love with weezer and thirty seconds to Mars. Has the biggest crush on Jared Leto, which I was so surprised at how open he was on that. Then it was Jacks turn, he sat up straight and began, he was in a band on a work in progress name, he was the lead singer of it and that's how he got in. His brother who is also in it stayed behind because we got a record label, his brother plays lead guitar and he loves smashing pumpkins and red hot chili peppers. I almost jolted when he said my favorite band but Micha beat me to it, " omg I love the red hot chili peppers!" Jacks eyebrows raises in supriesed. I was too honestly I thought she listen to that teen pop bullshit. " really?" He said low "that's so cool." Ty awed. " yea I really like them.. But anyways I'm in because I can apparently sing, so I've been doing some opera and stuff." She smiled and the amused jack made me want to vomit. Oh wait after all," I am Jacks raging bile duct."
Then they all looked at me, I then nervously began." Well I love all those bands you pretty much all listed. And theyer all in Spotify with nirvana, death leopard, three days grace and some others. Uh, I got in for art for drawing and hand drawing weirdly enough." I then ended and everyone nodded and then Ty high fived me for art people. That eased me a bit since my anxiety was going through the roof.
Jack didn't seem so interested and I didn't expect him too. It was me after all. I can't compete with anyone. By the time we finished it was already to go back to our dorms. Before we left Ty gave everyone his number and told them to meet back here on Wednesday.

Quote; fight club

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