Its okay

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     We try to wash out the dye, but no luck.
We are hesitant about dying it again making it an ugly mix of colors.
It's not like her hair is tragic or anything. It just not Velvet.
She wouldn't have to feel like she had to change her self image just to make us happy.
She shouldn't have to do anything.
  I feel guilty thinking about it.
We know she's hurting and were selfish about not letting her grieve about it, but we couldn't handle seeing her upset. It's not in our nature to watch someone we love in the most horrifying state.
She's the strong one not us.
She doesn't speak a word to us as we do the same.
After the attempt she walks away into her room and blast Nirvana.
Her band she goes to between mix emotions. We stay behind cleaning up with crime scene. My hands seem to be permanently blue from the looks of it.
Now I really want to stab Baz.
He doesn't even say a word to me even when Velvet scurried away. He just helps clean up with his head set on something.
"What you thinking about?" My voice startles not just me but him as he breaks his train of thought.
"Nothing." He mutters
I don't overreact and instead build tension like I always do.
I huff out air as I rub the counter top a little harder with my mouth slightly clinched.
I know I'm an annoying five year old, but I enjoy the frustration on his face. It gives me a sign he'll break.
"Fine don't tell me."
"Wait." I smile a little behind
"It's just, I..
I feel bad because this is my fault.
I'm not in control of you or Velvet I js it don't like seeing her sad."
We then sitting down on the floor.
" You two are my best friends, sense seventh grade okay.
And I just remembered when velvet took care of me when those boys made fun of my appearance. How I dressed, how I acted.
Finding to be gay when I was younger was so hard because of all the teasing..
But you and Velvet made thAt go away you know..
Anyway I just don't like seeing her upset because I'm suppose to keep her happy and not let bad things happen to her as she did the same for me."

I just stare at him.
I never knew Baz felt this way.
Never knew he cared so much about us.
We know how much he got bullied not only at school and at home too.
He's father hated that so he'd out so much work into his job and his mom just fake as the other moms.
Saying excuses like,
"oh it's just a phase."
" he'll grow up one day."
And I know your like its the 21st century get over it!
But you know it's more then that.
Sometimes being gay can be hard for some especially if your mother is a total bitch.
But those excuses kinda get old after seventeen years..

I give a hug and reassure him things will be okay and that I love him and his fabulous life.
He was okay then.

Now we just have to get Velvet okay now.

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