Not even weed could lighten the mood

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Waking up with the sunshine in my face with my head leaned against Baz chest.
Looking at his fragile state I ponder to myself how this beautiful human being, hasn't left my side yet.
The groggy feeling was horrible, I didn't want to think negatively today. We've got that enough going around we need to relax for a bit.

As they slept it was only 7 in the morning, so I'd just let them sleep as I sat quietly in the empty felt apartment.
Morning. Like these I cherish, because most of the time you'd hear the street noise and velvets neighbors going at it for maybe the forth time in a night.

Not what your thinking! Gross!
That couple is like in their late forties and can't even agree what to eat for dinner.
"Well I wanted my damn casserole!"
"Then fix your own damn casserole, you lazy piece of shit! I do everything around here!"
"Shut up, you women! I am the man of this house!
Oh, man my ass, I should've left you years ago!"

If that's not annoying I don't know what is.
If your that unhappy leave each other.
You can't make someone love you if they don't love you back.

Tapping velvets forehead as her eyes slowly open. " You have to get up, we've got pl-"
Before I could finish she throws  the covers over her head in stubbornness. I fight with her until she surrenders.
She could give me a black eye in her sleep if I tired to screw with her. She can be very feisty at times.
Now waking the sleeping beauty we three could get ready for the day. I enjoyed these morning with my two best friends. They seemed less stressful. We pile up in the taxi as we tell our location. Sitting in the cab  I text mom," Velvet is now okay, at hastings, Much love."
We split up into difference parts of the store Velvet went to the books, Baz went and ordered us coffee, and I went straight for the vinyl records.
I'm a total hipster. Period.
I liked the old things not because they were very "in style."
I liked them because I like to but myself in a place back then when maybe my mom was buying the new Red Hot Chili Pepper's new album, or the Beatles.
For some odd reason it left me in an odd state of peace.
Leaving Hastings with three coffees, a horror book, and one All Time Low cd.
Yes I kind of ventured there as well.
Deciding where to go next we meet at the Yen Café.
. " Be home around six." "Ok" quick phone calls with mom were nice they were short and to the point. You see mom trust me going places with my friends in this city probably because I had a tracking device on my phone and pepper spray on my keychain. Safety first.
Without these weapons I'd be at home eating Cheetos all day.
The Yen cafe was a trippy place, full of different patterns, the yen yang signs, plastered the walls with different band logos. It looked like it was straight outta the sixties.But had some grunge to it. Colorful furniture with different hard rock culture to it. The trippy vibes and the hard rock mashed well together. Well at least that's what we thought.
For all we know normal people would call this place the hang out for junkies and rejects.
But eco friendly, different green plants always smelled tangy, mixed between berry and mangos almost. So precise smells Nikki.
We sat at our table by the window next to a Venus fly trap we named Bengi.
We carved our names on the side of the wooden table so everyone knew we were here since grade nine.
So that meant no wanna be hipsters can sit with us.
What a year to remember.
The Yen Café was a safe place for us, played good music, had great coffee and tea.
Nobody messes with us, probably given the fact that most of the customers were tripping on acid, or just herbal high.
Since it was Friday and we didn't go back to school for another two weeks for some big event happening at our school.
We always get out for something at my school. It's kind of a weird system you know.
So we sat in silence with our coffee and tea.
Velvet sips at her scolding tea as she violently picks at the broken wood.
"You mad there?"
It took one glance that I knew I should've just kept my mouth shut.
You know the glance that one friend gives you before they rip your head off and give you a flew blown rant about how they just hate you or that their teas to hot or cold?
Yea, that one.
"Gee, I don't know! Maybe given the fact that slut wants to text me and asks if she can have her t shirts back, and if she can so conveniently pick them up later?
Well she'll have to pick it up at the gates of hell cause I'm burning those ugly shirts into the ground."
"Ya, oh." She snaps back
Her whole face is red, she obviously pretty mad but you can tell she's just really hurt.
I didn't say anything else for the whole time we were there.
Not even weed could make Velvet chill out for a moment.
Which really sucks cause now I have to hear her nag about it without enjoying the buzz.
To bad I don't do weed, or any other drugs.
Because I'd shove four chill pills down her throat already by now.

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