chapter 19

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three days later

it feels like an eternity since the night of the accident, but in reality it has only been three long days. i haven't been home since, i havent slept, haven't ate, i haven't moved from the place i sat. people came and went, sam visited, she told me that her and ashton broke up, and she broke down crying. she apologized for all of the things she said, blaming it on her jealousy and i believed her.  michael was the next one to come, he came wobbling in on his crotches, he was the only person that didnt cry, instead he kept repeating three words, im so sorry, he said he was the one that suggested drinking, luke was reluctant, saying he wanted to get back to me but after a few shots of vodka i was completely forgotten. ash came next, with his little brother harry, ash broke down crying the minuet he saw luke laying helplessly on the bed, harry looked confused as he stood holding a bunch of flowers, he placed them on the table and comforted his older brother. 

"its ok" harry said "he's just sleeping" he smiled at me "he'll wake up". harry left and ashton stayed a little while longer, i held him as he cried. he told me about how he and luke had met, and how out of all of the boys he and luke where the closest, ash treated luke like a brother, watching him grow and mature. 

calum came next, he brought me a change of clothes and forced me to have a shower, after he sat me down and made me eat. calum stayed with me for the whole time, the only time he left was when tom walked in. my blood boiled at the sight of my former bestfriend, even though i wanted to run to him and cry in his arms i didnt. i wouldnt want to burden him. i had to show him that i was strong. tom cried alot that day, i dont know if it was because of luke, or because of me, but he wouldnt stop. he walked out about 4 hours after he came in, calum came back soon after. 

liz came every afternoon after work, she wanted to take a few weeks off, but they couldnt afford the treatment if she did, she stayed until dinner and forced calum and i to eat. she was stronger than we where, the only tears she shed where small, she wipped them away before anyone could notice. 

there where others, members of lukes family, his brothers greeted me with a hug and thanked me for being there for him, i dont know why they thanked me, it was my fault he was in this state. others didnt acknowledge my existence which i liked, i hated other peoples sympathy. 

every night i did the same thing, when calum fell asleep, i plugged my headphones in, placed one beside luke, and listened to music until the early hours of the morning. the next day the boys decided to do a twitcam, to inform their fans what was happening. michael and ashton came around 1 with their laptop to stream it off. 

"hi guys" calums voice was tired and rusty. 

"as some of you may know, luke, has been in a car accident, he is currently in a coma, we dont know when he is going to recover" ashton choked as he spoke, it was obvious he was holding back tears, after that i zoned out, calum came over and spoke to me, i just replied with a series of nods. ash broke down in michaels arms. then they quickly closed the laptop, ending the twitcam. 

late nights and coffee stainsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora