chapter 13

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shit, that was the only thought in my brain. 

"babe" ashton hugged the girl, sam, "this is alex, luke's girlfriend" 

"im sorry if it that hug seemed weird, uh, its just ash and i are close and fuck, i hope you didnt think anything of it, shit, im so sorry" i stuttered as i spoke, i felt my heart beat increase, my breathing turned rapid and my palms got sweaty. 

"its alright" she said with an unconvincing smile, she embraced me in an awkward hug, i tried to stop myself from shaking. "your little innocent act wont work on me bitch, if you ever think of touching my man again you might need a little bit of surgery for that pretty little face of yours" she whispered in my ear before slapping my back harshly. "got it" 

i gulped and nodded as she pushed me away.

"you ready to go guys" luke said as he wrapped an arm around me, tom calum and michael where waiting in the car for us, ashton drove with sam next to him, luke and i, being the youngest, where pushed to the back of the car. 

"you alright babe?" he asked, kissing my cheek. 

"yeah im fine" i pulled my face into his chest, the faint smell of his cologne calmed me. 

"oh my gosh" michael complained "put some music on for fuck sake its so quiet"

22 by taylor swift started to play which earned a grunt from michael as tom and calum started screaming the lyrics into his ear. 

after about an hour of driving and of listening to calum constantly ask "are we there yet", i hear ash yell out. "SHUT UP CALUM WE'RE HERE NOW" 

before he could stop the car completely tom and calum where already opening the car doors and running out, chanting "beach beach beach beach". it astonished me, two almost 18 year old boys acting like a 5 year olf child. i remembered the letter lana gave me. 

"cal!" i screamed out. he turned around as i handed him the letter. "i met a fan this morning and she wanted me to give you this." 

"was she hot" calum asked

"she was 10 years old you creep" i said as i pushed him. 

i grabbed mine and lukes towel and started walking towards the sand, with lukes arm around my waist. we layed down the towels and i sat down. luke began taking off his shirt, i couldnt help but stare, this was the first time i had seen luke shirtless.

"enjoying the view" tom whispered in my ear

it took of my crop top, and shorts and was met by lukes eyes scanning my body. 

"take a picture hemmings" i giggled as i kissed his cheek "it will last longer" 

late nights and coffee stainsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon