chapter 8

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1 month later

the 5sos fanbase was rapidly increasing, their first major gig had a turn up of about 200 people. it is school holidays and the boys decided to do a little tour around australia. luke and i have been an official couple for about a month, and my friendship with the other boys was growing strong. michael and i could actually have a conversation without him wanting to cut my head off. out of all of the boys ash and i where the closest. he was the one that told luke to organize that whole coffee date thing last month. 

tonight we are in sydney for a gig, luke an i had talked about how we are going to tell the fans about us, we are afraid that if we tell them too soon, and our relationship ends we will both receive shit. but we decided this is something we wanted the fans to know, so at the concert tonight we wehre going to tell them. we talked to the other boys about it and they seem stoked. 

the concert started around 7, i was so nervous i was shaking, my palms got sweaty, my heart rate increased, i tried to calm myself, but i couldnt. i ran into the bathroom with tears running down my face. i pulled up my sweater and stared at my scars, i hadnt touched them since the night of their first gig, but i was terrified. i heard a sharp knock on the door and quickly covered my wrist, wiped my eyes and straightened my skirt and opened the door, a worried luke greeted me, it was obvious i was crying. i straightened my shoulders. 

"babe" he wrapped his arms around me "whats wrong"

"i-i-im just afria-d-d, w-what if t-t-they dont like m-me" i stutter "what if they dont think im good enough for you" i hear luke sigh, he pulls me away and holds my head in his hands

"i dont care if they dont like you, that doesnt matter to me" he smiles before continuing "they will love you, you are beautiful, smart, funny and down to earth, believe me alex" 

he pulls his face into mine and kisses me. i hear footsteps around the corner then michaels voice yelling at us.

"are you shitting me" michael screams, i feel luke grin into the kiss "we're on in one minuet, so if you love birds will stop making out, we have to go lucas" 

luke pulls away, my lips feel cold with the absence of his, he kisses my forehead before whispering in my ear. "i love you" 

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