chapter 16

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"no" i say louder and more forcefully than i had anticipated "please, stay". i grabbed his wrist. "its probably best" luke said. "wouldnt want you to punch anyone again" he added with a smile. michael picked up the keys as he and luke walked out of the door.

"im sorry" he stuttered

"not now please" i begged, " i just need you here ok" 

calum grabbed a glass of water for him and myself, he placed them on the table and sat on the couch. i sat next to him, we stayed that way for what felt like forever,i tried to slowly inch my way closer to him before, eventually calum spoke.

he cleared his throat "uh, do you mind if i put some music on?" 

"sure" i sighed as he got up "go for it"

he grabbed his phone, scrolled through his music for a little while before deciding on a playlist and pluggin his phone into the speakers, allowing the gentle music to play. the first song to play was demons by imagine dragons, i sat and listened to the music, replaying the kiss with calum , wondering if he was doing the same. 

slowly the songs started getting more jumpy, they first chords of a familiar song started playing, merry christmas, kiss my ass by all time low. shit, it was christmas in less than a month, i had basically forgotten. i started tappinf my foot to the song, singing along under my breath, calum looked over at me. he got up and walked towards where iw as sitting 

"may i have this dance" he smiles 

"certainly" i said with a giggle. 

we began spinning around the room singing to eachother with emphasis when we sang 'kiss my ass'. 

as the song began to end calum and i got closer and screamed the last line at eachother 

'i wrote you a song, i hope you'll sing along and it goes, merry Christmas, bitch' calum poked a finger at me and touched it against my collar bone. 'kiss my ass' 

the song ended and it left us in a fit of laughter, the next song began to play, whoever she is by the maine. calum reached his hand down to change the song and i slapped it out of the way 

"no, leave it" i wrapped my arms around his neck and brought my head to his chest, everything that tom and sam said flooded my thoughts. silent sobs left tear stains on his shirt, he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"hey hey hey, smile beautiful, its alright im here" cal comforted me 

"he was supposed to be my best friend, friends dont bitch about each other behind their backs" i sobbed

"i know, and that was pretty shitty of him, but right now you have people that love you, luke's here, im here, ash is here, even though his girlfriend is a bitch, he loves you slex, you're like a sister to him."

he smiles and lifts my chin off his shirt with his hand, "alex i l---" 

he was interrupted by ash opening the door, looking rather panicked. 

"thank god, where have you guys been" i say, and i look over his shoulder for luke.

"wheres luke" calum notices his absence aswell. 

"well um" ash quickly says "when they got back, we all started drinking a little, and luke thought he would be alright to drive and, uhh" 

"WHAT HAPPENED TO LUKE, WHERE IS HE" i screamed, ashton and calum exchanged nods and calum wrapped his arms around my to calm me down. "SPIT IT OUT IRWIN, WHERE'S MY BOYFRIEND"

"luke got in a car accident"

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