chapter 9

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the boys played their set and finished the concert, when the fans started calling for an encore luke grabbed my hand. 

"you ready to tell them beautiful" he smiled and passed me a guitar. the backstage crew where setting up a piano. the fans went crazy. i took a deep breath and kissed luke again for good luck. 

"lets go" i said with a smile. 

luke pulled me by my wrist to the stage, the fans looked confused. 

"hi guys, um, this is alex" he gestured towards me "some of you might know her from twitter and stuff, but we have something to tell you" he smiled "but first of all i want you all to be very quiet"

after he said that the noise produced by the crowd dulled down to a soft murmur. 

"we wanted to tell you this because we feel like you really are apart of a family" i said 

"we dont want anything to change because of this, i guess ill just say it" luke squeezed my wrist tighter. 

"guys i want you to meet alex, my girlfriend" 

the whole crowd erupted in chatter, i felt breathing increase. 

"guys shhhhh" luke spoke calmly "we wanted to sing a song for you, after that, the boys and i will play one more song, is that ok?" 

almost everyone cheered, i smiled trying not to break down. i sat at the piano, luke sat next to me with his guitar. we played a few chords before luke spoke. 

"this song is called remembering sunday" 

cheers again errupted from the audience. 

i only sung in part of the song, and lets just say i am not the best singer, luckily the fans didnt mind that much i hope, once we hit the last chord the fans started chanting 

"kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss"

luke grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear "its ok, im right here, they love you, i love you" 

i quickly and hesitantly kissed him, which received a number of catcalls from the fans. 

for the first time all night my eyes scanned through the crowd, i saw tom standing in the front row, i blew him a quick kiss. then i saw three familiar faces, they where the faces of the bitches who said i wasnt good enough for luke. a sly smile creeped across my face before i kissed luke again, this time a little bit more passionately.

"ok, ok, guys" i hear ashton shout as he pulls me off a blushing luke, he tosses me over his shoulder and i pretend to kick. 

"so guys we have one more song, after we will do a meet and greet out the frount" calum giggles. 

"this song is called underdog" luke screams

"its by a band called you me at six" ashton says

"and its alex's favourite song, so we would like to dedicate it to her" michael says and winks in my direction. 

"good night guys!!!!" all of the boys yell 

"we have been five seconds of summer" 

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