Meeting on Tumblr

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Dan sat in his same old boring black room scrolling through Tumblr, as always. He stopped when he saw an edit of Muse. (lame but i couldnt thunk of anything) He was curious, so he clicked on the profile which read amazingphil. There was so many random pictures of Muse and other crap like that. Dan was lonely so he messaged this stranger.

danhowell: Hey

There was no reply. 

Five minutes later. Still none.

amazingphil: Sorry just wanted to make sure you weren't some weirdo XP

danhowell: Ha, do I really seem like the type???

amazingphil: maybe DUH DUH DUH

danhowell: Well then fine be that way :P

amazingphil: I'm just kidding anyway your tumblr looks ACE!!

danhowell: Ace?

amazingphil: yep. Also you look kinda cute lol 

danhowell: Oh are you uhm... sorry if this offends you but gay?

amazingphil: Yeah.. sucks that it's not legal here in London :p

danhowell: YOU LIVE IN LONDON TOO?! we should hang out

amazingphil: Totally we'll talk more tomorrow

danhowell: Oh alright goodnight Phil

amazingphil: Night Dan xox


sorry if that was crappy i've never done a one shot before I promise i'll get better! Bye!!


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