15| Trapped

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Without a second thought I shifted, my instinct being to protect my brother

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Without a second thought I shifted, my instinct being to protect my brother. Nothing else really mattered. As I was about run forward I was suddenly pulled back by Stiles. "Are you out of your freaking mind!" He yelled as he and Scott began to run his grip on my wrist getting tighter.

"He's my brother!" I exclaimed trying to pull back but he only pulled me forward as we ran up the stairs.

"Well you won't be much help of your dead!" He countered as we finally made it into the school shutting the doors behind us. Now that we were inside everything that just happened hit me, and I had to fight to shift back. The three of us pressed our backs against the double doors trying to keep them shut but we all knew it was useless.

"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott yelled as we held down the door.

"Does it look like I have a key!" Stiles nodded as we looked around for anything, looking through one of the windows we saw a pair of bolt cutters laying on the floor.

Stiles looked at Scott and I and we both knew that look. "No." Scott and I said in unison knowing that it was too risky. The alpha was currently nowhere in sight which made him all the more dangerous. It had towered over us and there was no way any of us would be able to stand a chance against it.

"Yes." He replied as he stood up opening the doors.

"Stiles, no, don't." Scott told him with wide eyes but he wasn't listening.

"Come back, come back!" I exclaimed in a whisper as Stiles slipped through the doors. Feeling the compulsion to help him I stood but Scott held me back as he watched his friend run away from the safety of the school. "Stiles!"

As Stiles picked up the bolt cutters the Alpha came out from behind the Jeep and began running towards him. Seeing this Stiles scrambled to his feet and the second that he came towards the doors I pulled him in taking the bolt cutter from him and pulling him through the doors. Once they were shut I pushedStiles back farther inside and placed the bolt cutters between the doors.

"Where is it? Where'd it go?" Scott asked as he looked back out the window to find the Alpha nowhere in sight. "That won't hold, will it?"

"Probably not." Stiles said in a shaky breath as he stood having fallen a couple of feet away from us.

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