39| Not A Monster

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I looked at my brother for any sign of recognition

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I looked at my brother for any sign of recognition. He didn't know that Jackson was in the house to begin with. There was the possibility that he still had no idea who this monster really was, which meant that Scott possibly had an advantage now.

Without a word Derek ran after the Kanima that was now half way down the street. This thing was fast, faster than any of us, even my brother who was an alpha. Derek didn't have to say word as I ran after him, there was no way in hell that I would let my brother go up against this thing on his own. I heard someone shout my name, but I wasn't bothered to even look back as I struggled to catch up.

As we continued to run for what seemed like miles I felt myself starting to get tired, something that I never really felt. And it wasn't until he reached what seemed like an abandoned factory at the edge of the city that I realized just how much and how far we had run. Derek stopped so abruptly that I almost ran into him and I almost fell back trying to avoid doing so.

I looked around, but the Kanima was nowhere to be seen. But I knew it was here I could feel it. And from the way my brother was desperately looking around I knew he did too.

"Where is it?" I whispered and at that moment I realized that I spoke too soon when a hissing sound came from right over our heads.

Derek and I looked up to find the Kanima right over us, before we even had time to react it jumped down landing between to two of us. Looking at that thing up close, I found it hard to believe it was Jackson.

My brother reacted first as he lunged himself at the Kanima, and I didn't hesitate to the same. But as we fought the thing it was clear that it was much stranger than us. Much stronger than me at least as I suddenly found myself being thrown through the air and crashing against one of the cement pillars.

Although being thrown across the air had become almost a daily occurrence now since my brother and I returned to Beacon Hill, I still get overcome by anger every time that I did. Until this point I had tried to avoid shifting, a part of me wanting to believe that I didn't ned to use that force on the beast that I knew was Jackson, but now I was just angry and frustrated.

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