04| False Accusations

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Monday mornings were never easy, and having to get into the routine for school mornings was something that was not coming easy to me

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Monday mornings were never easy, and having to get into the routine for school mornings was something that was not coming easy to me. Some part of me acknowledged that the reason why this transition was so difficult was because I was not allowing myself the opportunity to want to be here.

As I stopped in front of my locker a rapidly beating heartbeat caught my attention. There was no need for me to guess that it was Scott as I focused my hearing in trying to find his voice. "Get away from me!"

I considered ignoring it for a single moment, but knew that was something that I simply could not do. With a sigh I rushed down the halls of the school towards the boys locker room. After Derek and I had spoken to Scott I saw no need in sitting in on lacrosse practices anymore. We both thought Scott would do the reasonable thing and simply quite the team to avoid losing control.

Clearly we were wrong.

Running into the locker room I found Scott on all fours on top of the lockers, his gaze focused on the other side of the room..As I looked around the room and saw Stiles against the wall a mixture of concern and panic in his face. Surprisingly he didn't seem very scared, but I turned my attention back to Scott growling hoping that he would be able to gain some control.

Instead he leaped off the lockers running towards me, attempting a clumsy attack. He was a newly turned beta and still didn't have a full understanding of his abilities, that fact alone was what made it easy for me to grab him by the collar of the shirt and pin him against the lockers. "Scott, snap out of it!"

Suddenly Scott sunk his claws into my shoulder suing me to let him go, not so much from the pain but from the surprise that he really did not seem to have any sense of control. "Alex!" Stiles called out as he quickly handed me a fire extinguisher just as Scott came towards us again.

In a quick moment of panic I lifted the extinguisher, swinging it as it hit Scott in the face causing him to knock out instantly.

"What the hell?" Stiles exclaimed as he looked at me with wide eyes. "You weren't supposed to hit him with the thing."

"Well, what did you expect me to do with it?" I replied

"Oh I don't know?" Stiles replied in an irritatingly sarcastic way. "Maybe spray him with it?"

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