31) Draco's POV:

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I waited outside the room that Aria was in, all I heard was screams of pain. God I hope she is alright. We married as soon as we left Hogwarts, we went back to take our last year then married the summer of 1999 and waited 5 years to try for a kid. I paced up and down the corridor and to be honest it doesn't help. The mediwitch came out into the hall and I rushed over to her.

"You can go in now Mr Malfoy." she didn't have to hear my words to know what I was going to say.

I smiled and went to the door. My hands were shaking as I pushed the door handle down and opened the door. I peeked inside to see Aria holding a small baby in a blue blanket. We have a boy. I went inside and closed the door behind me.

"You did amazing." I whispered.

"Well, I am the most brilliant person in the world." Aria smiled.

"You need to stop spending time with your father, he is rubbing off on you." I pinched the end of her nose.

Before we could say anything else, the door burst open. Sirius and Remus came in and were looking as good as always.

"We have a grandson?" Sirius asked.

"Yes. Scorpius Sirius Malfoy." Aria beamed down at our son.

"You named him after me?" Sirius whisper screamed.

Aria nodded and looked even more tired than I have seen her in a while.

"Babe, you should get some rest. We will take Scorpius for a while." I suggested.

"You three in charge of a new born, that will keep me awake with worry." Aria raised her eyebrows.

"Ha ha ha. We had you and you've turned into a beautiful young lady. We are taking him and you are resting." Remus stuck his tongue out at her.

I laughed at him because this is a side to him I never thought I would see. He and Sirius retired and we took over from them but they still live at Hogwarts with us. It means that they can take care of Scorpius whilst we teach and mark and do our hall duty. Aria reluctantly gave him over but she lay down to relax. I kissed her forehead and we all left her to have some time to herself, after all, we won't be getting much of that once we do the night shifts.

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