20) Draco's POV:

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"Listen...I want to talk to you about something Aria. I have thought about how to say it and I think I know how." I rubbed the back of my head, the nerves showing on my face, it was so obvious even I knew it was showing.

"Draco, I heard you earlier. Talking to me. I know what you want to say." Aria blushed slightly.

She heard me? But she was asleep. How? What?

"You heard?" I looked into her eyes, feeling my cheeks grow red.

"Yes." she smiled and move a little closer to me.

I looked down at her stomach. I saw a faint scar but I only saw it because I knew about the welts and the cuts made on her. I remembered what she looked like cut up. I know every word engraved, I can count how many cuts she had, how many welts and beatings.

"So? What do you think? Will you be my girlfriend? I know it is soon but, I want to help you." I struggled a little to find my words.

"Of course I will. Just promise me one thing." Aria smiled brightly.

"Anything." I stated.

I took her hand gently and laced my fingers with hers. We started to walk in the direction of the great hall.

"Don't push. That and, I don't want to sit and the Gryffindor table, can I sit with you and your friends?" Aria looked down at the stone floor.

"Done and done." I confirmed.

She looked up and me and I stopped walking. So did she. I know it was a long shot but I wanted to try. I leaned down to her face and closed the gap between us. She edged towards me, obviously wanting to be close. I planted a soft kiss on her lips, not holding it but pecking them. I continued to give her small kisses until we looked deep into each other's eyes.

"Father and dad will be looking for me soon. We should go." Aria whispered.

I nodded and we continued to walk, hand in hand, all the way to the great hall. It was really busy, we were the last to join everyone. People turned around and looked at us both. The Gryffindors looked outraged that a member of their pride had decided to go with the snakes. We walked over to the Slytherin table to where my friends were. They made space for the two of us to sit together. My friends knew I was in love with Aria, from the moment I laid eyes on her that is. They have been supporting me for years on trying to woo her. They all beamed at us when Aria snuggled into me. Pansy was sitting next to Aria and was talking with her about stuff. I listened in but it was really boring.

"Remember, I am here to talk about girl stuff with you that you can't with Draco. Us girls have to stick together. He can be a prat a times but he makes up for it by being adorable." Pansy and Aria were laughing.

They bonded, Aria sat closer to Pansy whilst they started whispering things to each other. All I could hear were giggles, then silence then more giggles.

"Pans, please don't make me remind you that Aria is my girlfriend and not yours." I joked, pulling Aria into my embrace which she melted into me easily.

"She may be your girlfriend but she is my girl-friend." Pansy emphasized her point and made Aria laugh.

I loved it when she laughed. Aria sat up and looked at me.

"Don't worry. You are my number one guy. But Pans is right, us girls gotta stick together. Who else can I talk to about you?" Aria looked at me with puppy eyes that made me forget what I was saying.

I opened and closed my mouth making the girls giggle then return to whatever they were whispering about. I tuned back into reality when Blaise called my name to get my attention. I smiled and returned to eating my dinner. Then I noticed, Aria hadn't even took any food whatsoever. Then again, those potions she was taking were bound to make her feel funny, maybe make her lose her appetite a little or make her feel icky and sick. I let it go seeing as she was only just awake and I didn't want to push her to eat something when she wasn't feeling 100%. Pansy and Aria spoke for the most of dinner. I interrupted a few times to kiss her forehead and poke her arm to just get on her nerves in general, making her going crazy and look mad but then soften up because I steal a kiss from her. Pansy rolled her eyes at how "soppy" I was being saying I was acting like a lovesick puppy. I felt a pair of eyes on me but I looked around the table and no one was staring at me. It felt constant. I looked around the room and saw from the Gryffindor table, two green eyes staring. Uh oh. I forgot one little thing, Harry was her big brother, kind of. He will not like the fact I am dating his sister. He saw that I saw him looking and he got up from his place at the table. He came over to the Slytherin table and sat opposite me.

"Scatter Potter. You shouldn't come into the snake territory. Lions are our favourite meal." one of the seventh years hissed.

"Leave him." I glared over at him.

I looked back at the boy sitting across the table from me, Aria and Pansy were so deep in discussion they hadn't noticed.

"Listen, I am not here to tell you to break up with my baby sister but I am also not here to tell you that I am happy about it either. One chance Malfoy. You hurt her and you will pay for it. All I want is for her to be happy. If you make her happy then I might just be able to say I am glad you are with her but one mistake and you will know about it." Harry didn't seem at all threatening but I knew he meant it.

"Call me Draco. Aria will want us to get on. It's for the best Harry." I stated.

"Alright. But remember, you have been warned." Harry stood up and walked away back to his own table.

I felt the eyes leave me and I was able to breathe again. I looked over at the girls and they were still yabbering on about something and hadn't noticed Harry and I having a talk. Dinner was ended by announcements by Dumbledore and people started filing out. I stood up and so did the girls. The linked arms and walked a little bit in front of me. They stopped in the entrance hall and faced each other.

"Remember. Anything you need I am here for you A." Pansy took her into a hug.

Aria hugged her back and smiled.

"Thanks Pans. The same goes." Aria replied.

Professor Black and Professor Lupin cleared their throat and they broke apart.

"I will see you tomorrow A. Come find me before classes start and we can walk to potions together. Also sit with me in class." Pansy parted and went down to the dungeons.

"A?" Professor Black raised an eyebrow and laughed a little.

"Oh be quiet. Just because you're nickname is Pads and you know my nickname is better than yours." Aria stuck her tongue out at him.

"Well, lets get back to the quarters. Draco, follow us too. It means you know the way there. Just in case you need anything." Professor Lupin winked.

"Thank you sir." I made sure to be polite and show my deepest gratitude for considering to show me where Aria will be so I can collect her in the morning before breakfast and then drop her off at night after dinner.

"Drop the formalities. Just call me Remus in private. Also call, this idiot Sirius when you aren't in class." Remus laughed.

"Actually he is very smart. I have learned a lot more in transfiguration this year than I have in the past four years I have been in that class." I defended my teacher though I knew Remus meant the idiot thing as a joke.

"See Moony, someone appreciates my subject." Sirius acted like a child.

"You had to go and give him more hot air in that big head of his." Remus sighed and shook his head.

Sirius "went in a huff" and crossed his arms over his chest like a five year old would do if they were placed on the naughty step. I couldn't help but laugh and take hold of Aria's hand. She linked our fingers and sighed what I hoped was a sigh of content. It didn't take long to get to Aria's quarters and then we were standing outside the room.

"What time should I pick you up tomorrow morning?" I asked.

I know breakfast starts at half past six and ended around ten so I figured it would probably be sometime between half past seven and nine.

"Maybe about say 8?" Aria suggested.

"Until then, I bid you farewell and a night of good rest." I bowed to her and kissed the back of her hand.

Aria blushed and giggled. I gave her a small peck on the cheek and left her at the portrait hole. My mind was all bubbly. Now I had to go and face Pansy asking me all these questions, Blaise probably teasing me about being "up the tree of romance" as he called it and then not being able to sleep tonight because I am thinking about the love of my life saying yes to being mine after I worried she wouldn't.

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