18) Aria's POV:

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What annoyed me was that my whole body was in a deep sleep but I was awake. I tried to get myself to wake up, I couldn't. I tried to scream out, I couldn't. I tried for a little movement, nothing happened. I was frustrated with myself. I heard the doors open and someone sat down beside me. I attempted to signal to them I was awake but unable to wake up, but I knew it wouldn't work. The person kissed my lips and I began to panic. Who was there? Was it another death eater? I waited to feel pain but it never came. The person gripped my hand, theirs feeling like they had been heated against a fire, warming up my skin.

"Please wake up. I want to see those gorgeous eyes of yours. I am in love with you but I don't know what to say to you when you are awake. I just freeze up. I am scared that you hate me." the person whispered.

It was obviously a male. The voice sounded familiar. But who is it sitting there, talking to me?

"Draco?" I heard Madame Pomfrey ask, sounding a little shocked.

Draco was sitting here, declaring his love for me? The one person I fell for from the moment I saw him but thought he would never return my feelings, especially seeing as I am Gryffindor and he Slytherin.

"Poppy...hi." he said awkwardly.

"You should be in class." she sounded a little angry.

"I know. But it is a class I don't really need for my career. That and I am trying to figure out what to say to her when she does finally wake up. I think if I am to sit here and look at her sleeping, it might just get the right words." Draco replied.

I could hear the smile in his voice.

"There is no hiding it Draco. I can tell you love Aria. But you look an awful lot like your father. Not that I suggest you change but remember, she will be terrified of your father, maybe just as scared of you." Madame Pomfrey pointed out.

"We are really good friends and I don't want to ruin that but at the same time, I couldn't help but fall in love with her along the way. Do you know what I am talking about?" Draco sort of whispered, but we could still hear him.

"I do know the feeling. When I was your age, a long time ago this was, I met my friend, who was a boy and I managed to fall in love with him as I grew up with him. He and I were super close. We luckily hit it off in our fifth year but, we were scared also because we didn't want to hurt each other when we decided what career to persue. I wanted to work here and the job I have and he wanted to work away. He did work away but we did argue about it constantly until we broke apart. It ruined our friendship along with the relationship we had. But don't let me put you off son. If you want to go for it, you do it. But wait till she is ready. Start off rebuilding the friendship then if it goes well maybe introduce the idea of a relationship." Madame Pomfrey sounded as though she was getting into telling her memories.

"Thanks. You're right." Draco seemed to have relaxed somehwat.

"No problem son. Now, you can stay for another 20 minutes at the most then I want you to go out of here and if you go to study then fair enough, if you go back to class, that is your choice but don't stay here all afternoon." Madame Pomfrey left the bedside and moved away to her office probably.

Draco stayed, he sat in silence. I wanted him to talk to me again, I wanted him to make me try to respond. After what felt like an age, I felt him kiss my forehead before leaving. In my head I willed myself to wake up and call him back, but this had no effect on me. I laid still. I didn't open my eyes. I just lay there, aware of the world, but everyone else unaware of me.

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