7) Snape's POV:

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I woke up to the sound of bustling and a sense of magic that is not my own. My eyes opened and I noticed a light. I realised that I was back in the infirmary. Poppy was obviously fussing again.

"Oh good, you are awake." Poppy smiled down at me.

I looked over at Aria, lying unconscious, looking even more delicate than ever.

"Will she be alright?" I asked, sitting up in the bed to get a better view of everything.

"I don't know Severus. She will heal physically but it is her mental state I worry for. She hasn't been out of this state. She will be unconscious for a while." Poppy looked over at the girl.

"You're covered in blood. Her sheets are stained. Poppy, do not lie to me, what happened?" I warned her.

"She was pregnant. Lucius Malfoy was the father. Her parents told me to extract it now because she won't cope with the pressure of being in school where there are exams and knowing she is carrying her rapist's baby. They know her well enough to know she wouldn't carry the child." Poppy looked me in the eye.

I searched her for something. But I couldn't find it. She was telling me the truth. Despite the medical confidentiality, being partially responsible for her, I am entitled to know. I am glad Poppy sees that.

"When can I get out of bed?" I asked, keeping myself composed so my voice wouldn't break.

"Now if you wish. Although it is just after three in the morning so I would either stay in bed till morning or go to bed in your own quarters and get some rest. No late night brewing Severus. Honestly, knowing you if you had it your way, every time you came home from those blasted meetings with all dark and evil himself you would still brew some sort of potion even if you were missing a limb." Poppy glanced at the large clock on the wall.

"Can I sit with her for a moment?" I whispered.

"Only for a little while. I will give you privacy." Poppy rubbed my arm and left to go into her office.

It was quite a task to get up but I managed to walk the distance to sit on a chair beside her bed. I took hold of her hand and it was cold to touch. She looked like a china doll that was so fragile, any rough treatment could break her.

"I have never treated you fairly in class. I don't treat your house fairly. I must keep up appearances. But not any more. There will be no favouritism towards my house. I will award Gryffindor points and the points that should be taken from my house will be taken from them. You are my top student in the class Aria. You are well better than Granger, but we can't tell her that can we or I think she would have a nervous breakdown. You are beyond this level of work and if I were to put you to it I think you would pass everything better than my NEWT students who are there this year. What I am saying is that you are my best student. You have the best parents you could ever have, they are good to have as friends. I swore I would never let you or Harry down. I have let you down tonight. My nephew and niece should always come to an importance in my life and lately I haven't been on guard. I will never let you down again. I promise. If I was sooner, maybe I could have saved you the pain. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive your old Uncle Sev. Wake up soon sweetheart. I want to see those beautiful blue eyes. I love you so much. Remember that." I kissed her hand and left her side.

I felt my heart breaking. I am the one responsible. My mark has been itching for days and I never thought once to tell Albus so he had them safe. I just hope she wakes up soon and it means I can beg her forgiveness. For now though, I would have to research what I can to see if there is anything that I can do about this.

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