23) Aria's POV:

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I listened to the conversation that father and dad had. I heard snoring from the two of them after a short while. I got up from the chair at the door and went into the bathroom. I would have went into the shower but it would waken up the whole place so I cast a cleansing charm over myself. Then I changed into my uniform for the day ahead and looked in the mirror. The glamour was still up so I looked healthy. That would do. I walked quietly out of the bathroom, grabbed my packed school bag and opened my bedroom door. I looked over to my parents, snuggled up to one another and both out cold. I tip toed to the door and opened it. I took one last look at my parents and slipped out silently. It was so nice, all the quiet. There was only one place I could be. Under the tree by the lake. It would be the perfect place to watch the sun rise. I sat down under the tree after a long trek. It was so peaceful, the lake undisturbed, the sky bright but no sun yet. It is the best place to be if you want to be alone, especially for early risers which there weren't many. Most would wander the halls but I liked the outdoors. I sat for what felt like five minutes, really an hour and a half and I knew the sun was due to rise.

"So, I guess I don't need to collect you from your quarters then?" came a voice.

I turned around to see Draco standing, leaning against the tree. I smiled and he sat beside me.

"I like the sunrise and sunset." I stated, looking out at the horizon and the start of the orange ball appearing.

"As do I, but usually no one else comes out here. I always sit myself." Draco took my hand in his to laces our fingers together.

"Well, I couldn't sleep so I decided to come out and enjoy the quiet." I sighed.

We sat in silence as we watched the sun come up, casting a warm glow across the lake and landscape. I didn't want to move but Draco got up and offered me his hands. I took them and stood up. We then walked hand in hand to the great hall. Pansy was there and when she saw us, she waved over to us and signaled for us to join her. We walked over and I sat beside her.

"Hi A." Pansy beamed.

"Hi Pans." I smiled back at her.

She pulled me in for a hug which I screwed up my face in the pain she caused by putting pressure on some of my cuts, not that I could tell her. She pulled back slowly and I wasn't fast enough to hide my pain.

"Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" Pansy took hold of my hands.

"I am fine, just a little sore. I didn't sleep the best so it kind of makes the pain sorer than what it really is." I brushed her off.

I watched as the Slytherins around me were eating their breakfast and I felt a little sick at the thought of food. I don't need it, I am fat enough.

"Babe? You didn't eat at dinner last night, you must ne hungry." Draco touched my arms lightly.

'Yes.' my head screamed.

"I...the potion I took last night is making me feel a little sick. I don't think I can stomach food. I will get something at lunch though if I feel better. If not I will go to the infirmary." I smiled at him reassuringly.

Draco nodded and gave me a sympathetic look.

I managed to get out of this one. How do I get out of lunch without having to see Madame Pomfrey to then have to lie and take a stomach relaxer that I don't need. This will be interesting.

"I think you better sit with me in potions. I can at least help you out better if you feel ill. Pansy is a good friend but she isn't good with medical emergencies. Trust me, I have known her for most of my life." Draco placed his hand on my cheek and stroked my cheek with his thumb.

I nodded and melted into the touch slightly. He told Pansy and she seemed as though she was quite relieved to the sense she wouldn't have to worry too much if I fell ill. We all walked down to potions together and it was pleasant. It was hard to keep up my cheery mood but I pulled through. Uncle Sev smiled when no one was looking. It made me feel a little more secure with the knowledge he was looking out for me. Class was over before I could blink. The day moved out really slowly. Lunch was a disaster. I ate small bites of whatever I took but not really liking it. The food felt like a rock in my stomach. I smiled through that pain and went on the rest of the day with my last two classes to which I was grateful for. Draco walked me back to the quarters and I received a kiss goodbye. I would have invited him in but I needed to lie down before I passed out. My bed was so good to flop on and crawl under the covers. It didn't take long but I fell over to sleep and my thoughts were plunged into darkness.

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