25) Aria's POV:

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I got to potions and I began to feel slightly weak. I was feeling like that a lot lately. It was due to the fact I can't stomach the thought of food. But I knew I would be alright.

"Aria? You look ill. I think you should get checked by Madame Pomfrey." Pansy helped me sit down in my chair although I was perfectly capable to do so myself.

"I'll be alright. I think I just have a little bug or something. We are early anyway, I can wait and see how I feel then decide." I tried to get her to stop worrying.

I always liked to be early so I could get the table nearest the door just in case I needed to make a quick get away from Uncle Sev.

He was constantly looking over to me to check if I was still standing or even alive. Why wouldn't I be? Uncle Sev came in not long after us and looked at me. His eyes widened slightly at me and looked at Pansy. She got the message to wait outside. Uncle Sev shut the door and came to sit beside me at the table.

"Did you sleep last night?" he quizzed me.

"Yes." I lied but a yawn betrayed me.

"Did you eat?" he gave me a hopeful look.

"No." I decided it was best not to lie to him because he knew what the answer was anyway.

"Amy. You are wasting away. Ever since that night, you haven't been yourself. Why won't you let us in, let us help you?" Uncle Sev took hold of my hands in his.

His hands felt like fire to me and mine to him were probably like ice.

"I don't need help. I am fine. Ok so I have lost some weight because I haven't been feeling the greatest but nothing from that night has took any sort of toll on me. I am fine." I snapped.

Uncle Sev looked a little disturbed at my sudden outburst.

"I am sorry for snapping but everyone is pushing me to tell them what is wrong when I am fine. I just don't have anything to talk about. I am fine and if everyone keeps persisting that something is wrong then I am just going to end up snapping at everyone then lose everyone and I don't want that." I burst into tears.

"Come on. Lets go through to my office and we will get you dreamless sleep. I will get Albus to tell your teachers you are excused from classes all day. You need rest." Uncle Sev didn't give me a choice.

He picked me up and carried me to his office and into the camping bed he kept there. I didn't want dreamless sleep. Someone could attack me. I allowed him to give me a dose of it and I fell over to sleep.

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