" While the Rihanna camp has been silent since she was hospitalized still not actually confirming whether exhaustion was indeed the cause of it. We could speculate that the reason for her recent visits to a hospital in Tampa is because of a little bundle of joy? We're not sure but we'll wait and see..."


"Seriously man, you can eat at the arena, I'm opening the show I'm going to be late!" I groaned as Dean pulled over.

"No you aren't man, you know Rusev is probably going to be blabbing for a whole ten minutes about how amazing his honeymoon was.." Dean rolled his eyes as he and Renee hopped out.

"You want anything?" I glanced at Robyn.

"Yeah some cheetos and oreos" she mumbled into my shoulder that she had been resting on.

"No ice-cream?" I smirked as I knew her cravings by now.

"Yeah ice-cream" she laughed and I kissed her forehead before following the two blondes into the convenience store.

I was of course stopped by fans before I could move further but was glad the car had tinted windows so that they couldn't see Robyn who had Seth as company.

"Thank you so much Mr Reigns!"

"No problem kiddo!" I called back as I went in to see them posing with some fans as well and I soon got dragged into it again.

After posing with nearly everyone in the store, I was sure would happen resulting in me being late, I went to track down my woman's things

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After posing with nearly everyone in the store, I was sure would happen resulting in me being late, I went to track down my woman's things.

"This is why coming into these stores are annoying, we just came from Rihanna's house which happens to be loaded with food and now we're in here buying more" I narrowed my eyes at Dean before taking out a tub of vanilla ice-cream.

"I was too lazy to whip up something and I couldn't very well disturb Renee and Rih's conversation to ask one of them so yeah, blame them. Besides Rih wanted something anyway" he shrugged trying to use my woman as an excuse.

"Firstly my pregnant girlfriend would not whip you up anything and secondly my woman gets a free pass to be unreasonable. But I know if you didn't pull over here she wouldn't have wanted anything"

"That's what you think now, and then tonight she wakes you up to whip her up something." Renee called out in defense.

"Which I won't mind doing because unlike you two I have to fly out again tomorrow night and then I won't see her for awhile" I rolled my eyes.

"Sucks huh?" Dean raised his eyebrow and I ignored all the shit filling his arms instead of him taking a basket.

"Well yeah but Jenn will be there more once we leave so that she's not on her own" I sighed flashing a smile as we paid for the stuff trying to hide the sadness at the thought of being away from her which wasn't needed as they knew the grumpy Roman routine by now.

Close To You// Roman Reigns| Rihanna [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now