Jade laughed. “You mentioned that when Mason asked you out, and what happened? Do you want me to remind you?”

“Hey, that’s not fair! The guy’s a creep.  Which grown up man collects Care Bears and sleeps with them?”

“You’re just jealous that he sleeps with his Care Bears more than he does with you!” Joey chuckled.

I nodded, not because I agreed on what he said, but I gave a look towards Will that he could kill Joey any second, and he did tackle him afterwards.

“I got permission from Ava.” He uttered and started fighting with Joey using inflatable swords. Soon, they have managed to run after Jade and Clarisse, cornering them and entering a tickle fight.

Yep, these are my friends. And before they could come to me, I excused myself and went to Will’s deck to take a breather.

It was still early – 11:08 on my watch, and we’re already sporting a hangover. Looking up into the night sky, stars were already visible, keeping me company on a chilly night.

Three minutes left before I can make my wish.

* Lenny’s POV *

“So that’s number 364 for you, Len?” Lukas mocked. Obviously, they were all exaggerating when I told them Jen called things off earlier today – the main reason I was having a bad day. I’m not even sure how much girls I’ve tried to ask out because all of them ended up in failed relationships.

“Maybe you should start knocking on your head; perhaps it will work how you converse with the girls.” John gave me an advice.

“Or perhaps you should stop giving them red gummy bears every single day. How do you even come up with a bag full of red ones?”

“I have connections.” I proudly said. I’ve been getting them since I was a kid, and since the store knew about it, they have given me special packs which only had red ones.


Easter came in a little early this year as cousins and other relatives came over just a day before the actual holiday. We all wanted to play outside. Boys versus girls like how it always was.

“Okay, so what now?” Brian asked as we all rounded up, figuring what game we should all play.

“Hide and seek!” One of my cousins suggested, and we all agreed.

Heading to the local park, we all divided into groups and hide away. But I wanted the guys to win so I went out to look for other places I could stay at while the unlucky person tries to find us.

Strolling around the park, I found the perfect hideaway. There was a small wooden cabin on the deeper part of the park. You can even disguise it as a huge dollhouse, complete with the tiny windows on both top corners.

Opening the door, I went inside only to find empty boxes stacked up together. Until, I heard an angel spoke up in a singsong voice.

“What are you doing here?” She asked as I looked around to find her. She was sitting on the ground, hugging up her knees tightly, scribbling something on her notebook, and not even looking up to meet my gaze.

“I was playing hide and seek with my friends and I wanted a place to hide so they would have a hard time looking for me, and found this place.” I explained as I sat right in front of her, fascinated on her work of art, peeking at her notebook.

But she realized I was looking, so then, she closed her book and set it aside. “Oh.”

“Aren’t you going to tell me what are you doing here?” I inquired as silence greeted me.

Knock, Knock (Lenny Pearce/Justice Crew Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now