Chapter 1: 11:11

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* Ava’s POV *

If you know who I was, you’d know that I’ve planned out my week, exactly the same. Mondays through Fridays, I’d focus solely on work, Friday nights to Saturday nights would be spent with friends, and Sundays would be either spent with family, or alone, catching up on things I’d miss.

That’s the schedule I’ve been following since I started working. Of course, it doesn’t mean that I do the same things every week, well except for work, but that’s how I plan my time. Everything should be in accordance with the schedule, or I’ll mess up my head, which would end up having a bad day.

Which explains the reason why I’m out tonight or you could say hanging out with my friends at Will’s apartment, and it isn’t even Friday yet, more like Thursday night, but at least we’re getting there. It was a surprise to my friends I actually showed up, but I needed a break after those strenuous meetings with clients I’ve had all day.

Orders here and there were a good thing, but the deadlines are driving me mad. Some people have this imaginary timeline they wanted to achieve, and yet, order the items a week before they needed the stuff. It would be fine it it’s just one person, and I’ll probably have the stocks, but no, there were like three of them. If I find out they are friends, I’ll knock them all out.

“… been having a bad sprain.” Clarisse complained, showing her wrist to our other friends. “I think I should have it checked.”

“Or you can knock on it and see if it works.” Jade chuckled as Clarisse glared at her.

“That’s kind of true though. It’s called Percussive Maintenance, but it only applies to electronic devices.” Will shared. “It’s on the Internet.”

“Yeah, one time I whacked my remote and it worked.” Joey brought up, remembering that time he didn’t have an extra battery and he needed the remote control so badly. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t just stand up and move the controls on the television itself. Lazy ass.

“Why don’t you hit your head for a change then, mate?” Will scoffed as Joey clasped both his hands together, feigning hurt.

The room welcomed the comfortable silence as the two boys bickered like there’s no tomorrow, fighting off with each other. I’m not even sure if they’re still talking about the Joey’s head or have gone to another topic. The girls simply didn’t care as they were always like that every time we all hang out. Nothing is new.

“Do you think if I knocked on my heart it will work again and I could finally find love?” I blurted out in the middle of our session, gaining laughter from all my friends, as if telling me I am a lost cause.

“You’re kidding, right?” Will snickered. “You have high standards on guys. How can you even find love?”

“Agreed! Will even tried to pursue you, but you pushed him on friend zone once you found out!” Joey commented as tables have turned. Now it was Will’s time to launch himself on Joey for that unnecessary remark reminding him of his previous goals, thinking that he was a level ahead because we were best friends.

But I don’t date best friends.

As if Clarisse knew what was on my mind, she voiced out her opinion. “You don’t date anyone. Period.” Okay, that excuse didn’t work out.

“That’s because all these times, she wanted that boy in her past.” Jade explained. “The only reason stopping her from dating any guy, thinking he’d magically pop up anytime.”

 “I’m willing to try and date someone.” I uttered, smiling.

However, my friends were still not convinced I’d finally let go of my standards and enjoy myself hanging out with potential boyfriends.

Knock, Knock (Lenny Pearce/Justice Crew Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora