Chapter 8

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Chapter 9

We both waved at aunt Hillary when we entered. I went to the counter to place our order while Nic found us a spot to sit.

Turning with the bowls of ice cream, I make my way over to Nic.

“Nice spot!” It was in a secluded part of the Café.

I smiled as I slid into the booth, placing his Mint-chip bowl in front of him.

“No eating just yet! I want to take a photo.” Scooting closer to him and facing the camera our way.

“Hold on a second, squirt.” He lifted me onto his lap before grabbing the camera from me.

“Smile,” was all warning I got before the flash went off.

“It’s official, I’m blinded! That flash’s wicked!” I shifted back to sitting next to Nic, slipping the photo in my hand bag.

He only chuckled as we eat our ice-cream in comfortable silence.

We heard the bell above the door tinkle, signaling new arrivals.

Unfortunately, the people who came in were the last people on earth I wanted to see.

“Oh no, Nic! Duck!” I whisper-yell as I bury my face in his chest, praying they hadn’t spotted us.

No such luck, as I hear an obnoxious voice yell out, “Well, well what do we have here boys? Did the beast actually manage to find a date?”

Taking a deep breath I look up, turning to glare at James and couple of his buddies making their way over to our table.

“And look who it is! How you doing, princess? How much’s he paying you to go out on a date with him?” 

I could feel my blood start to boil, “Why don’t you go and stick it, James.”

James smirked down at us, “Come outside and I’ll show you where I’ll stick it, princess.”

“Back off, James.” Nic’s deep voice rumbled from behind me.

“Or what? You going to hit me?” James taunted.

I could feel Nic’s thick arm slowly wrapping around my middle, drawing me closer to his chest. I placed a shaky hand over his.

The tension between the two boys was so thick, I was sure either one would pounce at any moment.

“Is there a problem here?” Aunt Hillary’s voice broke the tension and the stare down between Nic and James ended.

“No problem, Ms Hillary. We just came in to greet our friends” James shot her a smile, but it held a malicious edge.

“Well, you’ve greeted your friends. Now, I suggest you either place your order or get out,” the older woman warned dangerously.

James and his friends made their way out but not before he called out, “Bye Princess…see you around Scar-face.”

I blew out a shaky breath, I was really starting to hate that asshole.

Nic unwrapped his arm and silently went back to eating. He didn’t talk after that, making sure his face was turned away at all times.

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