Chapter 2

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Hi guys!

Super sorry for the delay! I’ve been demanded, begged and threatened to update…so I thought I might indulge you.







Chapter 3

Finally break arrived and it couldn’t have been timed better, I was positively famished. I made my way to the cafeteria, students milling about but I haven’t spotted Anna and Caine yet. After our last class Anna had to deliver a note to the office and we agreed to meet in the cafeteria. I made my way to the queue, standing on my tip toes trying to see the menu. This was obviously not working tightening the strap on my sling bag, crossing my arms I waited patiently.


As I made my way over to the group, I was assaulted by the most delicious smell. A combination Lotus and Frangipani flowers, it was mouth watering. Stopping I slowly let my eyes scan across the cafeteria, they landed on a short girl standing on her tip toes trying to see the menu. Her honey coloured hair falling down her back in waves, she was beautiful. Maybe I should go and…what? Help? Yea, right, like she’d accept help from me. She’d probably freak out and run. Breaking my mental battle I felt a hand slap across my back and turned to see Felix.

“Hey dude, Anna found us a table let’s go.” Turning I silently followed him.


Turkey sandwich, smoothy and tinkie in hand I turned to search the crowed for Anna. She was waving at me from a table at the far end of the cafeteria. As a came closer I saw the table was mostly occupied by boys.

“Well you wanted to meet guys, Sylvie, here’s your chance,” I whispered under my breath. Taking a deep breath and squaring my shoulders I made my way to Anna and slid in next to her.

“Sylvie, I’d like to introduce you to the group,” Anna said giddily waving her hands to the boys around the table.

“Hi,” I said smiling shyly at each of them while fidgeting with my sandwich.

The boy sitting across from me, rounded the table, knelt on one knee making a grab for my hand.

“A pleasure to meet you, Mon Ami,” he said before laying a soft kiss on my hand. I felt my cheeks flush.

“Felix! Don’t test your flirting skills on poor Sylvie. Don’t let him fool you with his French lines, Sylvie.” Anna laughed as she slapped him over the head.

Standing Felix rubbed his head, “But Anna, no woman in her right mind could resist me and my French genes,” he said sending me a wink. I couldn’t hold it, I burst out laughing. Felix was tall probably 6ft with wavy blond hair reaching below his chin. With blue eyes that sparkled with mischief, he was hilarious and I liked him immediately. His easy going nature calmed my nerves.

The boy sitting next to him leaned across the table and shook my hand. His brown hair styled into a fauxhawk and green eyes fringed with thick lashes, he was quite a looker. My hand was swallowed by his larger one.

“For a little thing, you sure like to eat and your pretty,” he said as he stared directly into my eyes. I frowned down at my food, it didn’t look like much to me.

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